Brit J Hosp Med
The National Emergency Laparotomy Audit highlighted that older people living with frailty have poorer outcomes from emergency laparotomies. This editorial discusses some improvements in care that are needed to improve outcomes in this group of patients.
Given the critical physiological role of potassium, it is understandable that the development of severe hyperkalaemia requires effective management to reduce its effects, which include muscle weakness, paralysis and cardiac arrhythmias. Hyperkalaemia most often results from the failure of renal adaptation to potassium imbalance. ⋯ This presents a significant challenge to nephrologists, cardiologists and healthcare professionals treating these patients as this can prevent them from receiving maximum guideline-directed RAAS inhibitor therapy. Panellists in this roundtable discussion shared their clinical experiences of using potassium binders to manage hyperkalaemia in patients with chronic kidney disease and patients with heart failure (illustrated with case studies) in Northern Ireland and considered recommendations for the implementation and maintenance of chronic potassium-lowering treatment.
Necrotising fasciitis is a severe, life-threatening and rapidly progressive soft tissue infection that often requires aggressive surgical management, with an estimated incidence of about 0.24-0.40 per 100 000 in the UK. Necrotising fasciitis can be classified based on its microbiology or the anatomy or body region affected. ⋯ To aid with early diagnosis of necrotising fasciitis, a scoring system known as the Laboratory Risk Indicator for necrotising fasciitis was developed which has a positive predictive value of 92%. Once diagnosed, appropriate resuscitation and antibiotics, along with prompt and aggressive surgical debridement, is the mainstay of treatment.
The number of paediatric anterior cruciate ligament injuries is rising at a greater rate than in the adult population, as a result of the increased participation of children and adolescents in sports. This review explores the key presentations, diagnostic and management plans, and prevention methods associated with paediatric anterior cruciate ligament injuries. This injury presents as an acute pop and effusion, with limitations in gait, and can be extremely debilitating. ⋯ Management plans should include rehabilitation consisting of strength, proprioception and neuromuscular training, to maximise the patient's recovery. Injury prevention programmes, consisting of strength training and neuromuscular training, should be followed by young athletes to reduce anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Compliance and earlier implementation coupled with an understanding of the biomechanics of anterior cruciate ligament injuries and verbal feedback maximise the benefit of neuromuscular training.