Clin Med
Application for Research Ethics Committee (REC) approval and the conduct of medical research is paper intensive. This retrospective study examined all applications to a single REC in the south of England over one year. It estimated the mass of paper used, comparing the proportional paper consumption of different trial types and during different stages of the research process, quantifying the consumption in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. ⋯ K.; the REC process accounted for 26.4%. REC applications and the conduct of approved trials generate considerable environmental impact through paper consumption contributing to the NHS's carbon footprint. Paper use might be reduced through the implementation of digital technologies and revised research methods, namely changing attitudes in both researchers and ethics committees.
Since the purchaser/provider split was first introduced in the early 1990s, there have been successive attempts to enhance and strengthen the role of commissioners in the English NHS. Their role is to ensure that health services are planned and delivered in a way that meets the interests of patients and taxpayers rather than healthcare providers. ⋯ It is too early to say whether these reforms are likely to transform commissioning and finally place payers, rather than providers, in the driving seat of the NHS. However they unfold they are likely to have a significant impact on healthcare professionals in commissioning, primary care and specialist roles.
This paper outlines the development and evaluation of the utility of workplace-based assessments in higher medical training: case-based discussion (CbD); the acute care assessment tool (ACAT); audit assessment; teaching observation and patient survey (PS). The study population included trainees in higher medical training (ST3+) from physician specialties in the U. K. ⋯ For adequate reliability (co-efficient 0.7) a total of 12 CbDs; three ACATs and 16 PS raters are required. There was evidence for the validity and positive educational impact of all the tools. There were difficulties with the feasibility of the PS.