Clin Med
This paper describes a new tool called 'Day-of-Care Survey', developed to assess inpatient delays in acute hospitals. Using literature review, iterative testing and feedback from professional groups, a national multidisciplinary team developed the survey criteria and methodology. Review teams working in pairs visited wards and used case records and bedside charts to assess the patient's status against severity of illness and service intensity criteria. ⋯ The total number of patients not meeting criteria for acute care was 798/3,431 (23%, range 18-28%). Six factors accounted for 61% (490/798) of the reasons why patients not meeting acute care criteria remained in hospital. This survey gives important insights into the challenges of managing inpatient flow using system level information as a method to target interventions designed to address delay.
Therapeutic immunoglobulin G (IgG) products are produced from numerous plasma donations, and are infused in many medical conditions. The serological testing of patients who have received IgG infusions may well produce falsely positive and misleading results from this infused IgG, rather than endogenously produced IgG. ⋯ We found positivity within these products for hepatitis B surface and core antibody, syphilis, ANCA, ANA, anti-cardiolipin IgG and dsDNA antibody, which may result from specific or non-specific reactivity. The serological testing of patients who have received IgG treatment detects the administered IgG in addition to IgG produced by the patient.
Historical Article
FitzPatrick Lecture: King George III and the porphyria myth - causes, consequences and re-evaluation of his mental illness with computer diagnostics.
Recent studies have shown that the claim that King George III suffered from acute porphyria is seriously at fault. This article explores some of the causes of this misdiagnosis and the consequences of the misleading claims, also reporting on the nature of the king's recurrent mental illness according to computer diagnostics. In addition, techniques of cognitive archaeology are used to investigate the nature of the king's final decade of mental illness, which resulted in the appointment of the Prince of Wales as Prince Regent. The results of this analysis confirm that the king suffered from bipolar disorder type I, with a final decade of dementia, due, in part, to the neurotoxicity of his recurrent episodes of acute mania.