Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
Review Meta AnalysisProphylactic postnatal thyroid hormones for prevention of morbidity and mortality in preterm infants.
Observational studies have shown an association between transiently low thyroid hormone levels in preterm infants in the first weeks of life (transient hypothyroxinaemia) and abnormal neurodevelopmental outcome. Thyroid hormone replacement might prevent this. ⋯ This review does not support the use of prophylactic thyroid hormones in preterm infants to reduce neonatal mortality, neonatal morbidity or improve neurodevelopmental outcomes. An adequately powered clinical trial of thyroid hormone supplementation with the goal of preventing the postnatal nadir of thyroid hormone levels seen in very preterm infants is required.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
Review Meta AnalysisFamily-based programmes for preventing smoking by children and adolescents.
There is evidence that children's decisions to smoke are influenced by family and friends. ⋯ Some well-executed RCTs show family interventions may prevent adolescent smoking, but RCTs which were less well executed had mostly neutral or negative results. There is thus a need for well-designed and executed RCTs in this area.
Autistic spectrum disorder encompasses a wide variety of behavioural and communicative problems. Both the core features and non-core features of autism have been targeted in a variety of therapies. Atypical antipsychotic medications, including risperidone, have been used for symptom and behaviour improvement and have shown beneficial outcomes, particularly in certain aspects of the disorder. However, given the nature of the condition presenting in young patients, the risks of these potentially long term therapies must be weighed against the benefits. ⋯ Risperidone can be beneficial in some features of autism. However there are limited data available from studies with small sample sizes. In addition, there lacks a single standardised outcome measure allowing adequate comparison of studies, and long-term followup is also lacking. Further research is necessary to determine the efficacy pf risperidone in clinical practice.
There are at least two theoretical reasons to believe antidepressants might help in smoking cessation. Nicotine withdrawal may produce depressive symptoms or precipitate a major depressive episode and antidepressants may relieve these. Nicotine may have antidepressant effects that maintain smoking, and antidepressants may substitute for this effect. Alternatively, some antidepressants may have a specific effect on neural pathways underlying nicotine addiction, (e.g. blocking nicotine receptors) independent of their antidepressant effects. ⋯ The antidepressants bupropion and nortriptyline aid long-term smoking cessation but selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g. fluoxetine) do not. Evidence suggests that the mode of action of bupropion and nortriptyline is independent of their antidepressant effect and that they are of similar efficacy to nicotine replacement. Adverse events with both medications are rarely serious or lead to stopping medication.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
ReviewChest physiotherapy for acute bronchiolitis in paediatric patients between 0 and 24 months old.
Acute bronchiolitis is the leading cause of medical emergencies during winter in children younger than two years of age. Chest physiotherapy is thought to assist infants in the clearance of secretions and to decrease ventilatory effort. ⋯ Based on the results of three RCTs, chest physiotherapy using vibration and percussion techniques does not reduce length of hospital stay, oxygen requirements, or improve the severity clinical score in infants with acute bronchiolitis. These were infants who were not on mechanical ventilation and who did not have any other co-morbidity. Chest physiotherapy using forced expiratory techniques needs to be further evaluated by clinical research.