Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Fatigue is one of the most common and disabling symptoms of people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The effective management of fatigue has an important impact on the patient's functioning, abilities, and quality of life. Although a number of strategies have been devised for reducing fatigue, treatment recommendations are based on a limited amount of scientific evidence. Many textbooks report amantadine as a first-choice drug for MS-related fatigue because of published randomised controlled trials (RCTs) showing some benefit. ⋯ The efficacy of amantadine in reducing fatigue in people with MS is poorly documented, as well as its tolerability. It is advisable to: (1) improve knowledge on the underlying mechanisms of MS-related fatigue; (2) achieve anagreement on accurate, reliable and responsive outcome measures of fatigue; (3) perform good quality RCTs.
It is estimated that people in industrialised countries have a 1% chance of suffering from a leg ulcer at some time in their life. The majority of leg ulcers are associated with circulation problems; poor blood return in the veins causes venous ulcers (around 70% of ulcers) and poor blood supply to the legs causes arterial ulcers (around 25% of ulcers). Treatment of arterial leg ulcers is directed towards correcting the poor arterial blood supply, for example, by surgically correcting arterial blockages, and by supporting ulcer healing using topical agents (medicines in cream/ointment) and wound dressings. There are a large number of topical agents and wound dressings available and it is unclear what impact these have on ulcer healing. ⋯ There is insufficient evidence to determine whether the choice of topical agent or dressing affects the healing of arterial leg ulcers. Inadequate description of the people in the one included trial means that the results cannot be easily applied to other clinical populations.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
ReviewPemetrexed disodium in combination with cisplatin versus other cytotoxic agents or supportive care for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a highly aggressive malignancy whose incidence is expected to increase in the United Kingdom, Western Europe, and Australia over the next 20 years as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos fibres. Surgery is feasible in only a small proportion of cases, and radiotherapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy are used in palliation. Pemetrexed is the first and only chemotherapy agent that has been granted a marketing approval for use in combination with cisplatin for the treatment of chemo-naïve patients with unresectable MPM. ⋯ Pemetrexed disodium in combination with cisplatin and with folic acid and vitamin B(12 )supplementation may improve survival when used in combination with cisplatin in good performance status patients. Further studies including patients with poor performance status are needed in order to generalise the treatment findings. Further studies are also needed into the optimum chemotherapy, and a clear definition of what constitutes best supportive care.
Esophageal cancer is the seventh leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs are sometimes used as an adjunct to radiotherapy or chemotherapy for this type of cancer. ⋯ The included studies were of low quality. The results suggest Zhenxiang capsules or Huachansu injection may not improve short-term therapy effects or one-year survival rate when used as adjunct treatment to chemo- or radiotherapy in the treatment of esophageal cancer. The quality of life may be improved by Huachansu injection. The results suggest that more high-quality trials on Huachansu injection and other Chinese herbal medicines are needed in the future.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
ReviewImmunosuppressive treatment for non-systemic vasculitic neuropathy.
Non-systemic vasculitic neuropathy is a rare disabling disease that usually has a subacute onset of progressive or relapsing-remitting sensory or sensorimotor deficits. Asymmetry, pain and weakness are key features. The diagnosis can only be made by exclusion of other causes, the absence of systemic vasculitis or other rheumatic diseases, and the demonstration of vasculitis in a nerve or a combined nerve and muscle biopsy. There is a need for efficacious therapy to prevent disease progression and to improve prognosis. ⋯ No adequate randomised or quasi-randomised controlled clinical trials have been performed on which to base treatment for non-systemic vasculitic neuropathy. Randomised trials of corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive agents are needed.