Cochrane Db Syst Rev
This is an updated version of a previous Cochrane review first published in Issue 4, 2003 of The Cochrane Library. Morphine has been used for many years to relieve pain. Oral morphine in either immediate release or modified release form remains the analgesic of choice for moderate or severe cancer pain. ⋯ The randomised trial literature for morphine is small given the importance of this medicine. Most trials recruited fewer than 100 participants and did not provide appropriate data for meta-analysis. Trial design was frequently based on titration of morphine or comparator to achieve adequate analgesia, then crossing participants over in crossover design studies. It was not clear if these trials are sufficiently powered to detect any clinical differences between formulations or comparator drugs. Studies added to the review reinforce the view that it is possible to use modified release morphine to titrate to analgesic effect. There is qualitative evidence for effectiveness of oral morphine which compares well to other available opioids. There is limited evidence to suggest that transmucosal fentanyl provides more rapid pain relief for breakthrough pain compared to morphine.
Fetal movement counting is a method by which a woman quantifies the movements she feels to assess the condition of the baby. The purpose is to try to reduce perinatal mortality by alerting caregivers when the baby might have become compromised. This method may be used routinely, or only in women who are considered at increased risk of complications in the baby. Some clinicians believe that fetal movement counting is a good method as it allows the clinician to make appropriate interventions in good time. On the other hand, fetal movement counting may cause anxiety to women. ⋯ This review does not provide enough evidence to influence practice. In particular, no trials compared fetal movement counting with no fetal movement counting. Robust research is needed in this area.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
ReviewAntiretrovirals for reducing the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection.
Antiretroviral drugs (ARV) reduce viral replication and can reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV either by lowing plasma viral load in pregnant women or through post-exposure prophylaxis in their newborns. In rich countries, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has reduced the vertical transmission rates to around 1-2%, but HAART is not yet widely available in low and middle income countries. In these countries, various simpler and less costly antiretroviral regimens have been offered to pregnant women or to their newborn babies, or to both. ⋯ Eighteen trials including 14,398 participants conducted in 16 countries were eligible for inclusion in the review. The first trial began in April 1991 and assessed zidovudine (ZDV) versus placebo and since then, the type, dosage and duration of drugs to be compared has been modified in each subsequent trial. Antiretrovirals versus placebo In breastfeeding populations, three trials found that:ZDV given to mothers from 36 to 38 weeks gestation, during labour and for 7 days after delivery significantly reduced HIV infection at 4-8 weeks (Efficacy 32.00%; 95% CI 0.64 to 63.36), 3 to 4 months (Efficacy 34.00%; 95% CI 6.56 to 61.44), 6 months (Efficacy 35.00%; 95% CI 9.52 to 60.48), 12 months (Efficacy 34.00%; 95% CI 8.52 to 59.48) and 18 months (Efficacy 30.00%; 95% CI 2.56 to 57.44).ZDV given to mothers from 36 weeks gestation and during labour significantly reduced HIV infection at 4 to 8 weeks (Efficacy 44.00%; 95% CI 8.72 to 79.28) and 3 to 4 months (Efficacy 37.00%; 95% CI 3.68 to 70.32) but not at birth.ZDV plus lamivudine (3TC) given to mothers from 36 weeks gestation, during labour and for 7 days after delivery and to babies for the first 7 days of life (PETRA 'regimen A') significantly reduced HIV infection (Efficacy 63.00%; 95% CI 41.44 to 84.56) and a combined endpoint of HIV infection or death (Efficacy 61.00%; 95% CI 41.40 to 80.60) at 4 to 8 weeks but these effects were not sustained at 18 months.ZDV plus 3TC given to mothers from the start of labour until 7 days after delivery and to babies for the first 7 days of life (PETRA 'regimen B') significantly reduced HIV infection (Efficacy 42.00%; 95% CI 12.60 to 71.40) and HIV infection or death at 4 to 8 weeks (Efficacy 36.00%; 95% CI 8.56 to 63.44) but the effects were not sustained at 18 months.ZDV plus 3TC given to mothers during labour only (PETRA 'regimen C') with no treatment to babies did not reduce the risk of HIV infection at either 4 to 8 weeks or 18 months. In non-breastfeeding populations, three trials found that:ZDV given to mothers from 14 to 34 weeks gestation and during labour and to babies for the first 6 weeks of life significantly reduced HIV infection in babies at 18 months (Efficacy 66.00%; 95% CI 34.64 to 97.36).ZDV given to mothers from 36 weeks gestation and during labour with no treatment to babies ('Thai-CDC regimen') significantly reduced HIV infection at 4 to 8 weeks (Efficacy 50.00%; 95% CI 12.76 to 87.24) but not at birthZDV given to mothers from 38 weeks gestation and during labour with no treatment to babies did not influence HIV transmission at 6 months. Longer versus shorter regimens using the same antiretrovirals One trial in a breastfeeding population found that:ZDV given to mothers during labour and to their babies for the first 3 days of life compared with ZDV given to mothers from 36 weeks and during labour (similar to 'Thai-CDC') resulted in HIV infection rates that were not significantly different at birth, 4-8 weeks, 3 to 4 months, 6 months and 12 months. Three trials in non-breastfeeding populations found that:ZDV given to mothers from 28 weeks gestation during labour and to infants for the first 3 days after birth compared with ZDV given to mothers from 35 weeks gestation through labour and to infants from birth to 6 weeks significantly reduced HIV infection rate at 6 months (Efficacy 45.00%; 95% CI 1.88 to 88.12) but compared with the same regimen ZDV given to mothers from 28 weeks gestation through labour and to infants from birth to 6 weeks did not result in a statistically significant difference in HIV infection at 6 months. ZDV given to mothers from 35 weeks gestation during labour and to infants for the first 3 days after birth was considered ineffective for reducing transmission rates and this regimen was discontinued.An antenatal/intrapartum course of ZDV used for a median of 76 days compared with an antenatal/intrapartum ZDV regimen used for a median 28 days with no treatment to babies in either group did not result in HIV infection rates that were significantly different at birth and at 3 to 4 months. In a programme where mothers were routinely receiving ZDV in the third trimester of pregnancy and babies were receiving one week of ZDV therapy, a single dose of nevirapine (NVP) given to mothers in labour and to their babies soon after birth compared with a single dose of NVP given to mothers only resulted in HIV infection rates that were not significantly different at birth and 6 months. However the reduction in risk of HIV infection or death at 6 months was marginally significant (Efficacy 45.00%; 95% CI -4.00 to 94.00). Antiretroviral regimens using different drugs and durations of treatment In breastfeeding populations, three trials found that:A single dose of NVP given to mothers at the onset of labour plus a single dose of NVP given to their babies immediately after birth ('HIVNET 012 regimen') compared with ZDV given to mothers during labour and to their babies for a week after birth resulted in lower HIV infection rates at 4-8 weeks (Efficacy 41.00%; 95% CI 11.60 to 70.40), 3-4 months (Efficacy 39.00%; 95% CI 11.56 to 66.44), 12 months (Efficacy 36.00%; 95% CI 8.56 to 63.44) and 18 months (Efficacy 39.00%; 95% CI 13.52 to 64.48). In addition, the NVP regimen significantly reduced the risk of HIV infection or death at 4-8 weeks (Efficacy 42.00%; 95% CI 14.56 to 69.44), 3 to 4 months (Efficacy 40.00%; 95% CI 14.52 to 65.48), 12 months (Efficacy 32.00%; 95% CI 8.48 to 55.52) and 18 months (Efficacy 33.00%; 95% CI 9.48 to 56.52). The 'HIVNET 012 regimen' plus ZDV given to babies for 1 week after birth compared with the 'HIVNET 012 regimen' alone did not result in a statistically significant difference in HIV infection at 4 to 8 weeks.A single dose of NVP given to babies immediately after birth plus ZDV given to babies for 1 week after birth compared with a single dose of NVP given to babies only significantly reduced the HIV infection rate at 4 to 8 weeks (Efficacy 37.00%; 95% CI 3.68 to 70.32). Five trials in non-breastfeeding populations found that:In a population in which mothers were receiving 'standard' ARV for HIV infection a single dose of NVP given to mothers in labour plus a single dose of NVP given to babies immediately after birth ('HIVNET 012 regimen') compared with placebo did not result in a statistically significant difference in HIV infection rates at birth and at 4 to 8 weeks. The 'Thai CDC regimen' compared with the 'HIVNET 012 regimen' did not result in a significant difference in HIV infection at 4 to 8 weeks.A single dose of NVP given to babies immediately after birth compared to ZDV given to babies for the first 6 weeks of life did not result in a significant difference in HIV infection rates at 4-8 weeks and 3 to 4 months.ZDV plus 3TC given to mothers in labour and for a week after delivery and to their infants for a week after birth (similar to 'PETRA regimen B') compared with NVP given to mothers in labour and immediately after delivery plus a single dose of NVP to their babies immediately after birth (similar to 'HIVNET 012 regimen') did not result in a significant difference in the HIV infection rate at 4 to 8 weeks. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
ReviewWITHDRAWN: Low level laser therapy (Classes III) for treating osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis (OA) affects a large portion of the population. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a light source that generates extremely pure light, of a single wavelength. The effect is not thermal, but rather related to photochemical reactions in the cells. LLLT was introduced as an alternative non-invasive treatment for OA about 30 years ago, but its effectiveness has to be examined more closely, especially in the treatment of OA. ⋯ Five trials included in this review showed a statistically significant difference favoring laser treatment when compared to placebo for at least one outcome measure. Three trials did not report beneficial effects. The varying results of these trials may be due to the method of laser application and/or other features of LLLT application. Clinicians and researchers should consistently report the characteristics of LLLT devices and application techniques used. New trials on LLLT should make use of standardized, validated outcomes. There is clearly a need to investigate the effects of different dosages on LLLT effectiveness for OA in future randomized, controlled clinical trials. Also, more studies should be done to investigate the anti-inflammatory action of laser as well as the appropriate parameters needed to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect.
Chinese herbal medicines are commonly used to treat sore throat in China and among Chinese people worldwide. Their efficacy in treating sore throat has not previously been systematically reviewed. ⋯ Based on the existing evidence included in this review, the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine for treating sore throat is controversial and questionable. We cannot recommend any kind of Chinese medical herbal formulation as an effective remedy for sore throat, due to the lack of high quality clinical trials.