Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
Review Meta AnalysisVitamin A supplementation to prevent mortality and short and long-term morbidity in very low birthweight infants.
Vitamin A is necessary for normal lung growth and the ongoing integrity of respiratory tract epithelial cells. Preterm infants have low vitamin A status at birth and this has been associated with increased risk of developing chronic lung disease. Several studies have been undertaken to assess whether vitamin A supplementation beyond that routinely given in multivitamin preparations can reduce the incidence of this outcome. ⋯ Supplementing very low birthweight infants with vitamin A is associated with a reduction in death or oxygen requirement at one month of age and oxygen requirement among survivors at 36 weeks postmenstrual age, with this latter outcome being confined to infants with birthweight less than 1000 g. Whether clinicians decide to utilise repeat intramuscular doses of vitamin A to prevent chronic lung disease may depend upon the local incidence of this outcome and the value attached to achieving a modest reduction in this outcome, balanced against the lack of other proven benefits and the acceptability of treatment. Information on long-term neurodevelopmental status suggests no evidence of either benefit or harm from the intervention. The benefits, in terms of vitamin A status, safety and acceptability of delivering vitamin A in an intravenous emulsion compared with repeat intramuscular injections, should be assessed in a further trial.
The nature and indications for thyroid surgery vary and a perceived risk of haemorrhage post-surgery is one reason why wound drains are frequently inserted. However when a significant bleed occurs, wound drains may become blocked and the drain does not obviate the need for surgery or meticulous haemostasis. The evidence in support of the use of drains post-thyroid surgery is unclear therefore and a systematic review of the best available evidence was undertaken. ⋯ There is no clear evidence that using drains in patients undergoing thyroid operations significantly improves patient outcomes and drains may be associated with an increased length of hospital stay. The existing evidence is from trials involving patients having goitres without mediastinal extension, normal coagulation indices and the operation not involving any lateral neck dissection for lymphadenectomy.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
Review Meta AnalysisMedicinal and injection therapies for mechanical neck disorders.
Controversy persists regarding medicinal therapies and injections. ⋯ The major limitations are the lack of replication of the findings and sufficiently large trials. There is moderate evidence for the benefit of intravenous methylprednisolone given within eight hours of acute whiplash, from a single trial. Lidocaine injection into myofascial trigger points appears effective in two trials. There is moderate evidence that Botulinum toxin A is not superior to saline injection for chronic MND. Muscle relaxants, analgesics and NSAIDs had limited evidence and unclear benefits.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
Review Meta AnalysisAdjuvant radiotherapy for stage I endometrial cancer.
The role of adjuvant radiotherapy (both pelvic external beam radiotherapy and vaginal intracavity brachytherapy) in stage I endometrial cancer following total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH and BSO) remains unclear. ⋯ Patients with stage I endometrial carcinoma have different risks of local and distant recurrence depending on the presence of risk factors including stage 1c, grade 3, lymphovascular space invasion and age. Though external beam pelvic radiotherapy reduced locoregional recurrence by 72%, there is no evidence to suggest that it reduced the risk of death. In patients with multiple high risk factors, including stage 1c and grade 3, there was a trend towards a survival benefit and adjuvant external beam radiotherapy may be justified. For patients with only one risk factor, grade 3 or stage 1c, no definite conclusion can be made and data from ongoing studies ( ASTEC; Lukka) are awaited. External beam radiotherapy carries a risk of toxicity and should be avoided in stage 1 endometrial cancer patients with no high risk factors.
Patients with unicompartmental osteoarthritis of the knee can be treated with a correction osteotomy. The goal of the correction osteotomy is to transfer the load bearing from the pathologic to the normal compartment of the knee. A successful outcome of the osteotomy relies on proper patient selection, stage of osteoarthritis, achievement and maintenance of adequate operative correction. This is an update of the original review published in Issue 1, 2005. ⋯ Based on 13 studies, we conclude that there is 'silver' level evidence ( that valgus HTO improves knee function and reduces pain. There is no evidence whether an osteotomy is more effective than conservative treatment and the results so far do not justify a conclusion about effectiveness of specific surgical techniques.