Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
Review Meta AnalysisProphylactic antibiotics for preventing early central venous catheter Gram positive infections in oncology patients.
Long-term tunnelled central venous catheters (TCVCs) are increasingly used when treating oncology patients. Despite international guidelines on sterile insertion, appropriate catheter maintenance and use, infections still a complication of TCVC. These infections are mainly caused by Gram-positive bacteria. Antimicrobial prevention strategies aimed at these micro-organisms could potentially decrease the majority of TCVC infections. The aim of this review was to evaluate the efficacy of antibiotics in the prevention of early TCVC infections. ⋯ Flushing of the catheter with a vanco/heparin lock solution leads to a positive overall effect. Depending on the baseline TCVC infection rate it is justified to flush the catheter with a combination of an antibiotic and heparin, if the catheter related infection-rate is high.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
Review Meta AnalysisBispectral index for improving anaesthetic delivery and postoperative recovery.
The use of clinical signs may not be reliable to measure the hypnotic component of anaesthesia. The use of bispectral index to guide the dose of anaesthetics may have certain advantages over clinical signs. ⋯ Anaesthesia guided by BIS within the recommended range (40 to 60) could improve anaesthetic delivery and postoperative recovery from relatively deep anaesthesia. In addition, BIS-guided anaesthesia has a significant impact on reduction of the incidence of intraoperative recall in surgical patients with high risk of awareness.
Corticosteroids used in addition to antituberculous therapy have been reported to benefit people with tuberculous pleurisy. However, research findings are inconsistent, raising doubt as to whether such treatment is worthwhile. Concern also exists regarding the potential adverse effects of corticosteroids, especially in HIV-positive people. ⋯ There are insufficient data to support evidence-based recommendations regarding the use of adjunctive corticosteroids in people with tuberculous pleurisy. Randomized controlled trials that are sufficiently powered to evaluate the effects of corticosteroids on both morbidity and mortality are needed. The effects of corticosteroids on HIV-related complications, such as Kaposi sarcoma, should be assessed in people co-infected with HIV.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2007
Review Meta AnalysisFetal pulse oximetry for fetal assessment in labour.
Pulse oximetry could contribute to the evaluation of fetal well-being during labour. ⋯ The data provide limited support for the use of fetal pulse oximetry when used in the presence of a nonreassuring CTG, to reduce caesarean section for nonreassuring fetal status. The addition of fetal pulse oximetry does not reduce overall caesarean section rates. A better method to evaluate fetal well-being in labour is required.
Optic neuritis is an inflammatory disease of the optic nerve. It occurs more commonly in women than in men. Usually presenting with an abrupt loss of vision, recovery of vision is almost never complete. Closely linked in pathogenesis to multiple sclerosis, it may be the initial manifestation for this condition. In certain patients, no underlying cause can be found. ⋯ There is no conclusive evidence of benefit in terms of recovery to normal visual acuity, visual field or contrast sensitivity with either intravenous or oral corticosteroids at the doses evaluated in trials included in this review.