Colomb Medica
Cancer represents a challenge for global public health, since it requires a comprehensive strategy for its control. In this context, the Population-Based Cancer Registries (PBCR) are key actors for the generation of public policies that guarantee their implementation. ⋯ The information presented by the PBCR of Quito serves as a reference for the prognosis of cancer in the country and as a baseline for its control. Actions are urgently required to strengthen cancer prevention and promotion strategies.
Uruguay has the highest cancer incidence and mortality rates in Latin America. The National Cancer Registry of Uruguay, which has been in operation since 1992, provides epidemiological information on incidence and mortality at the country level. ⋯ Although cancer mortality has declined monotonously since 1990, cancer control is a challenge for Uruguay, wherein breast, lung and prostate cancer have very high incidence while the country must still make an effort to reduce other cancers that are very common in economically less favored countries.
The population-based Cancer Registry of Cali Colombia operates continuously since 1962, disseminating incidence information in the XI volumes of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents. ⋯ This information allows the construction of some indicators to monitor the City Cancer Challenge initiative and the current 10-year plan for cancer control in Colombia, 2011-2021.
Observational Study
Incidence and mortality by cancer in the Pasto municipality, Colombia. 2013-2017.
The information permanently produced by population cancer registries is the input used by decision makers of the local and national health systems in order for planning cancer prevention strategies and evaluating the impact of their interventions. ⋯ The five-year follow-up of cancer burden indicators allows to make comparisons at both national and international levels, in order to provide the basis for planning and evaluating the implementation of public health policies; especially those related to the prevention and care of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality from cancer in Pasto-Colombia.
Population-based cancer survival is an indicator of the effectiveness of cancer services that reflects the survival of all cancer patients in the population, regardless of socioeconomic status and disease characteristics. ⋯ Periodic update of vital status and date of last contact reduces bias in survival estimates in population-based cancer registries with passive follow-up.