Dtsch Arztebl Int
Total Hip Replacement (THR) belongs to the most common inpatient operations in Germany, with over 240 000 procedures performed per year. 90% of the artificial joints are still functional at 15 years, and up to 60% at 20 years after surgery. It is essential that the indications for such procedures should be uniform, appropriate, and patient-oriented. ⋯ The decision to perform THR should be taken together by both the physician and the patient when the expected treatment benefit outweighs the risks. Evidence suggests that a worse preoperative condition is associated with a poorer surgical outcome.
Studies have shown that the health literacy of the German population is low. The aim of this article is to analyze current developments in health literacy on the basis of recent data. ⋯ The findings of the HLS-GER 2 highlight the need for action in pro - moting health literacy in the healthcare system. As the explanation of variance is low, there are presumably other important determinants of health literacy that were not taken into account. Further studies should be performed to investigate societal conditions of supplying health information, for example, or social and personal characteristics.