Dtsch Arztebl Int
Editorial Comment
Palliative Sedation: Controversial Discussions and Appropriate Practice.
Data on sedation at the end of life (eol) in different medical disciplines are scarce and mostly based on subjective reports. We aimed to assess the use of sedatives with continuous effect in the last week of life and associated factors in different hospital departments, with the aid of objectifiable criteria. ⋯ It was not possible to draw a clear distinction between the use of sedatives for symptom control, without sedating effect or intent to sedate, and intentional sedation to relieve suffering. The observed differences between hospital departments and deviations from recommended practice, e.g. lack of documentation of the indication, warrant further exploration. Moreover, context-specific supportive measures for the use of sedatives and sedation at the end of life should be developed.
Nausea and vomiting are common and distressing side effects of tumor therapy. Despite prophylaxis, 40-50% of patients suffer from nausea, and 20-30% from vomiting. Antiemetic prophylaxis and treatment are therefore of great importance for improving patients' quality of life and preventing sequelae such as tumor cachexia. ⋯ Detailed, effective, risk profile-adapted algorithms for the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting are now available for patients undergoing classic chemotherapy regimens or combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Optimal symptom control for patients undergoing oral tumor therapy over multiple days in the outpatient setting remains a challenge.