Dtsch Arztebl Int
Different types of RNA take on multiple crucial functions in living cells and tissues. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a temporary molecular carrier of genetic information. Analysis of the composition of all mRNA contained in a cell at a given moment, the so-called transcriptome, enables the determination of the type of cell and its condition, e.g., in pathologically altered states. ⋯ Forensic RNA analysis can yield a great deal of relevant information. It is likely to be applicable in a much wider variety of forensic situations in the near future.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Mistletoe Extract in Patients With Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Tial (MISTRAL).
Patients with advanced pancreatic cancer have limited survival and few treatment options. We studied whether mistletoe extract (ME), in addition to comprehensive oncological treatment and palliative care, prolongs overall survival (OS) and improves health-related quality of life (HRQoL). ⋯ ME is unlikely to have a clinically significant effect on OS or the HRQoL dimension global health/QoL when administered in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer in addition to comprehensive cancer care.
Urinary tract infection has a one-year prevalence of 11% in women and ranges among the most common reasons for consulting a primary care physician and for receiving a prescription for antibiotics. In the case of recurrent urinary tract infection (rUTI), there are questions about the further work-up, treatment, and preventive measures. ⋯ rUTI poses a challenge for the treating physician. The measures to be taken must be considered on an individual basis. Vulnerable groups, such as older patients, need special attention.
Observational Study
Trends in the Diagnostic Prevalence of Mental Disorders, 2012-2022—Using Nationwide Outpatient Claims Data for Mental Health Surveillance.
Evaluations by the statutory health insurance carriers in Germany have revealed a rising prevalence of diagnoses of mental disorders, at varying levels and to varying extents. For mental health surveillance purposes, we analyzed prevalence trends across health insurance carriers, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and stratified by diagnosis group, sex and age. ⋯ Trends in diagnostic prevalence differ across mental disorders and population subgroups and have changed in some diagnosis groups since the COVID-19 pandemic. Contextualizing research is needed for a better understanding of these developments.