Dtsch Arztebl Int
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
The Care of Children and Adolescents With Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Cluster-Randomized Trial on Improving the Guideline Conformity of Treatment by the Use of the CEDATA-GPGE Patient Registry.
For children and adolescents with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), treatment that is not in adequate conformity with the guidelines can adversely affect both the course of disease and the patients' development. The targeted use of digital patient registries may improve real-life adherence to the recommendations of evidence-based guidelines. ⋯ Registry-based feedback can help bring treatment and its documentation into better con for - mity with the relevant guidelines and thereby reduce or prevent care deficits in children and adolescents with IBD.
Readers of clinical trial reports should be able to critically evaluate the design, results, and conclusions of the trial. There are internationally accepted guidelines that define methodological standards for trial planning, statistical methods, and the display and interpretation of the results. Publications may nonetheless contain erroneous findings and interpretations. ⋯ Statistical errors do, indeed, arise. They should be detected as early as possible in various test instances. Nonetheless, readers should be able to judge independently whether the published clinical trial reflects meticulous and correct trial planning, appropriate display of the trial's results, and a proper, reasoned interpretation of the findings. The published checklists are a good aid for this purpose.
Observational Study
The Incidence of Endometriosis, 2014–2022. An Analysis of Nationwide Claims Data From Physicians in Private Practice.
The epidemiological characterization of endometri - osis, particularly with regard to its incidence, has been inadequate to date both in Germany and other countries. The goal of this study was to determine trends in the incidence of diagnosed endometri - osis and changes in age structure at the time of first diagnosis over the period 2014-2022. ⋯ This is the first study providing nationwide population-based data on the incidence of endometriosis in Germany. The observed rise in newly diagnosed cases is presumably mainly due to an increased awareness of endometriosis and to the growing recognition of the disease.