Gac Med Mex
Practice Guideline
Tratamiento de la esquizofrenia en México: recomendaciones de un panel de expertos.
La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad compleja que actualmente no tiene cura. Existen, sin embargo, numerosas terapias que, solas o en combinación, son eficaces para tratar los síntomas de la enfermedad y mantenerla bajo control. La elección del tratamiento debe ser siempre individualizada, y basarse en la presentación clínica de la enfermedad, el estado general del paciente y la eficacia del fármaco, si bien hay que considerar también el costo y el acceso a servicios y al fármaco, que en México tiene algunas limitaciones. ⋯ There are, however, numerous therapies that, alone or in combination, are effective in treating the symptoms of the disease and keeping it under control. The choice of treatment must always be individualized, and based on the clinical presentation of the disease, the general condition of the patient and the efficacy of the drug, although the cost and access to services and to the drug must also be considered, as in Mexico it has some limitations. A panel of 12 Mexican experts met virtually to review the latest published data and establish evidence-based treatment recommendations in Mexico that guarantee comprehensive, homogeneous, efficient, and quality medical care.
Chronic idiopathic ulcerative colitis (CIUC) is a disease with multifactorial chronic inflammation of the colonic mucosa. Its prevalence ranges from 37.5-250/100,000 in North America to 10-500/100,000 in Europe. In Mexico, there are studies that show an increase in the frequency of new cases. The purpose of this work was to identify possible changes in CIUC behavior in a referral hospital. ⋯ There is a lower mean of annual new cases; however, some characteristics of the disease have changed over time: there is an increased frequency of pancolitis and EIM, as well as a decrease in the rate of colectomies.
A pregnant woman rectally or vaginally colonized by group B Streptococcus can infect her newborn. ⋯ The percentage of colonization in this population was low. A routine cervicovaginal and rectal culture program in pregnant women and the intrapartum antimicrobial prophylaxis program are controversial in our region.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Impact of a prenatal education intervention in pregnant women to prevent overweight in infants.
During the first 1000 days of life is the basis for a child's future health established. ⋯ The prenatal education program in pregnant women showed a significant effect on postnatal nutritional status of infants four months after birth.
Multicenter Study
Clinical features of patients with Rocky Mountain spotted fever, dengue and chikungunya infection.
Clinical distinction between arbovirus infections and those caused by rickettsia is crucial to initiate appropriate medical treatment. ⋯ Rash on the palms and soles, edema and absence of pruritus, together with high levels of direct bilirubin and severe thrombocytopenia could be useful indicators to differentiate patients at RMSF advanced stages from those with dengue and chikungunya.