J Natl Med Assoc
Advances in medical science and in preventive dentistry have changed the context of oral health. The American population is living longer with numerous complex chronic diseases. This paper is to raise awareness about the impact of multiple chronic diseases and their associations with oral diseases. ⋯ High occurrences of chronic diseases generally occur in aging as well as disadvantaged populations. Serious infections, slow healing, prolonged bleeding, and hospitalizations can escalate in patients with uncontrolled chronic diseases. A multidisciplinary team-based approach to patient management can minimize complications and unexpected challenges.
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is genetically described as an autosomal blood disorder resulting from the presence of a mutated form of hemoglobin. Morbidity, frequency of crisis, degree of anemia, and organ systems involved vary considerably per patient. ⋯ In order to have successful dental outcomes and minimize posttreatment dental complications, relevant disease indicators are noted. This review is to raise awareness of the impact of oral diseases in patients with sickle cell disease and to emphasize the importance of full medical disclosure, radiographic interpretation, and a well-documented medical history, and a well-written consultation which can guide treatment planning and greatly improve the course of dental treatment.
The systemic inflammatory response index (SIRI) is a recently developed composite index that assesses the entire extent of inflammation in the body, closely linked to heart failure (HF). This study aimed to evaluate the potential association between SIRI and HF. ⋯ The results indicate a linear positive correlation between SIRI and HF. Further extensive prospective studies are needed to validate these findings.
Minorities are underrepresented in all areas of medical education relative to the United States general population, and minority physicians are more likely to practice in disadvantaged areas and in primary care settings. Many individual and structural factors contribute to this discrepancy. We aimed to demonstrate how resident race/ethnicity representation differs across the various resident specialties. ⋯ This study illustrates relative resident ethnic representation across training specialties. Minorities ethnicities were more likely to be represented in primary care and public health domains. This has implications for creating a physician workforce suitable to serve the United States Population.