J Natl Med Assoc
A systematic review of barriers to pursuing careers in medicine among Black premedical students.
Among the various etiologies of the exclusion of Black male physicians from the healthcare workforce, it is critical to identify and examine the barriers in their trajectory. Given that most medical school matriculants graduate and pursue residency training, medical school admission has been identified as the primary impediment to a career in medicine. Thus, this work aims to identify barriers in the journey of primarily Black, and secondarily underrepresented minority, premedical students. ⋯ There is a dearth of studies exploring the premedical stage-the penultimate point of entry into medicine. Though interest in becoming a physician may be present, multiple and disparate impediments restrict Black men's participation in medicine. Addressing the barriers Black and underrepresented minority premedical students face requires an awareness of how multiple systems work together to discriminate and restrict access to careers in medicine beyond the traditional pipeline understanding.
The adult life stage encompasses a range of new experiences, opportunities, and responsibilities that impact health and well-being. During this life stage, health disparities continue to increase for Black Americans, with Black adults having a disproportionate burden of obesity, chronic diseases, comorbidities, and worse treatment outcomes compared to their White peers. While many of the underlying factors for these disparities can be linked to longstanding sociopolitical factors such as systemic racism, food insecurity, and poor access to healthcare, there are also several modifiable risk factors that are known to significantly impact health outcomes, such as improving diet quality, increasing physical activity, and not smoking. ⋯ In addition to the number of daily servings consumed, the specific types (e.g., milk, yogurt, cheese) and subtypes (e.g., low-fat, fermented, fortified) consumed have also been shown to play major roles in how these foods impact health. For example, higher intake of fermented dairy foods (e.g., yogurt) and vitamin D fortified dairy products appear to have the most protective effects for reducing chronic disease risk. Along with lactose-free milk and cheese, yogurt is also generally low in lactose, making it an excellent option for individuals with lactose intolerance, who are trying to meet the DGA recommendations for dairy food intake.
Health disparities can be experienced by any disadvantaged group who has limited access to healthcare or decreased quality of care. Quality of care can be measured by physician-patient communication measures such as length of visit, health outcomes, patient satisfaction, or by the services one receives such as screening or health education. This study aims to determine the relationship between length of physician-patient encounter, number of preventive services, ethnicity, and race. ⋯ Race and ethnicity do not predict length of time with a physician regardless of diagnosis. Age, race, location within a metropolitan area, and insurance are significant but minimal predictors of receiving preventive services in the rank-order leading five most frequent diagnoses. This large, population-based study highlights improvements in the distribution of healthcare services from previous studies.
A review of dairy food intake for improving health among black children and adolescents in the US.
Adequate nutrition during childhood and adolescence is crucial for proper neurological, musculoskeletal, immunological, and cardiometabolic health and development. Yet, disparities among socially underserved racial/ethnic groups in the United States (US) provide significant challenges to achieving adequate nutrition during these years of rapid growth and maturation. For example, Black children and adolescents are at greater risk for having food insecurity, lower-quality diets, obesity, and numerous associated health challenges that result from these disparities compared to their White peers. ⋯ Therefore, to support overall health and development among Black youth, greater education and implementation efforts are needed to help this population meet the national dietary recommendations of 2.5 to 3 servings of dairy foods per day. Continuing to fall short of these recommendations puts Black children and adolescents at risk of multiple nutrient inadequacies and health disparities that can have lifelong impacts on disease development, mental health, and quality of life. This review presents the state of knowledge on health disparities and modifiable nutritional strategies involving milk and dairy foods to support the growth and maturation of children and adolescents, with a special focus on Black youth in the US.