Niger J Clin Pract
The Child Welfare Card (CWC) contains the records of a child's immunization and information on the other aspects of the child's health, including growth curves and home treatment of diarrheal disease to mention a few. How easily retrievable these records are and what influence the cards have on parents/caregivers regarding the child's nurture are uncertain in our environment. ⋯ The overall knowledge, utilization, and accessibility of the CWC were poor. Parents/caregivers with good knowledge were more likely to utilize the information on the CWC compared with participants with poor knowledge.
Restoration of the malaligned dental implants in the esthetic zone is a challenge for dental practitioner because of the difficulty in obtaining balance and harmony between position and color of the final prosthesis and the adjacent teeth. Mesostructure is a part of the prosthesis that located ontop of the dental implant and bearing the final prosthesis. ⋯ Such approach maintains screw-retained prosthesis option while allowing complete retrievability, improved accessibility, usage of thicker abutment screws, and acceptable esthetic outcomes. In this case report, a two-piece mesostructure was designed to correct the malposition of dental implants in the esthetic zone with 1-year follow-up system.
Bimaxillary protrusion is a condition wherein esthetic concerns are the main reason behind seeking orthodontic treatment. ⋯ At posttreatment, there was an overall decrease in the mean values among the majority of the soft tissue and dental cephalometric angles and linear measurements. Among soft tissue variables, there was a marginal increase in the upper lip length by 1.49 mm (P < 0.001), and the nasolabial angle increased markedly by 7.64° (P < 0.001). Similarly, a marked increase in retroclination by 5.95° (P < 0.001) was observed among the dental variables. Conversely, no significant changes were noted in the lower incisors. Pearson's correlation analysis revealed a significant correlation between all the different dental variables. Within the soft tissue variables, there was a significant positive correlation between changes in the upper lip protrusion, lower lip protrusion, upper lip thickness, and the distance from the upper and lower lips to the S-line.
Epistaxis is a common cause of otorhinolaryngological clinic visits and admissions into accident and emergency. Severe epistaxis could remarkably alter the hemodynamic milieu of individuals and results into significant morbidity and occasional mortality. ⋯ Coagulopathies, anaemia, and hemoglobinopathies are common findings among our patients with epistaxis.
Spine tumors could affect the bony elements and/or its neural contents. Clinical manifestations are underlined by their biological behaviors. Aim: This study aims to identify the pattern of presentation and surgical management of spine tumors in southeast Nigeria over a 10-year period. ⋯ Metastatic adenocarcinoma was the most common tumor of the spine. There was restricted ability at a GTR for non-PSCT compared to PSCT. Grossly 75% had improved/same neurological status, as such adjudged as a good outcome.