Pak J Med Sci
To determine the frequency of impaired renal functions and hypertension in rheumatoid arthritis. ⋯ In RA decline in renal functions is seen with self-use NSAID's/hakeem medications along with other modifiable factors like smoking and hypertension, while conventional DMARD's don't show association with decline. There is very high prevalence of hypertension in rheumatoid arthritis.
To determine the ovarian reserve parameters in patients presenting for IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment and its association with the number of follicles retrieved and number of oocyte retrieved and fertilized. ⋯ Our study concluded that AMH and AFC have a strong correlation with number of follicles restored and number of oocytes retrieved whereas FSH and age has a weak correlation with the number of follicles restored and number of oocytes retrieved.
The advent of computer technology and widespread use of internet has given rise to e-learning and blended programs all over the world. The aim of this study was to explore problems faced by students enrolled in blended program of MHPE in Pakistan. ⋯ Students of MHPE are challenged with variety of issues in blended learning program relating to self-regulation, heavy cognitive load with engagement, social interaction especially with facilitators and managing group dynamics Addressing these issues can improve the experience of these students in blended programs.
To explore the correlation between maternal and cord blood prolactin, the correlation between cord prolactin and birth weight, and to compare cord blood prolactin in new-borns of women with normal pregnancy and women with pregnancy complications namely; gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes and preterm labour. ⋯ Cord blood prolactin is high in newborns of hypertensive women, low in preterm neonates. Diabetes has no effect on cord prolactin level.
Medications are generally administered by either the enteric or parenteral route. With parenteral administration, intramuscular (IM) is the preferred approach because it increases the bioavailability of the drug, acts more quickly than the enteric route. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of true dorsogluteal intramuscular drug injection and to determine the causes for application failures in practice by ultrasonography (US). ⋯ SAT thickness values are important if IM drug injection is to be administered correctly. Unsuccessful IM injections may be seen even in patients with appropriate SAT thicknesses.