Patient Prefer Adher
Patient Prefer Adher · Jan 2021
Lean Management Promotes Compliance and Satisfaction of Rabies Vaccines.
This study aimed to explore the application effect of lean management in rabies vaccination. ⋯ Implementing lean management in all aspects of rabies vaccination can significantly improve patient compliance and work efficiency of nursing staff and improve the patient medical experience.
Patient Prefer Adher · Jan 2021
ReviewImproving Adherence to Wearing Compression Stockings for Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Venous Leg Ulcers: A Scoping Review.
Patient adherence to wearing compression stockings in the management of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and venous leg ulcers (VLUs) is low. Poor adherence with compression stockings contributes to recurrence and impaired healing of VLUs. As such, the purpose of this review was to report on the scientific evidence related to adherence and explore modifiable factors which impact adherence with compression stockings. ⋯ Inconsistency in the definition and measurement of adherence limits meaningful interpretation of the literature. No individual intervention has consistently demonstrated improved adherence. Multidimensional interventions show promise but require further investigation with high-quality trials. Improving adherence appears to improve health outcomes in VLU /CVI populations but there is a lack of information directly linking improved adherence with cost outcomes.
Patient Prefer Adher · Jan 2021
Why Service Users Choose Medication-Free Psychiatric Treatment: A Mixed-Method Study of User Accounts.
Medication has been a central part of treatment for severe mental disorders in Western medicine since the 1950s. In 2015, Norwegian Health Authorities decided that Norwegian health regions must have treatment units devoted to medication-free mental health treatment to enhance service users' freedom of choice. The need for these units has been controversial. The aim of this study was to examine why service users choose medication-free services. This article examines what purpose these units serve in terms of the users' reasons for choosing this service, what is important for them to receive during the treatment, and what factors lay behind their concerns in terms of medication-related views and experiences. ⋯ This study broadens the understanding of why the demand for separate medication-free units has arisen. The findings may contribute to making medication-free treatment an option in mental health care in general. To this end, clinicians are advised to communicate all treatment alternatives to service users and to be mindful of the effect of power imbalances in their interactions with them.
Patient Prefer Adher · Jan 2021
Association of Hair Concentrations of Antiretrovirals with Virologic Outcomes Among People Living with HIV in Guangxi, China.
Hair concentrations of antiretrovirals are an innovative and non-invasive method for measuring cumulative antiretroviral exposure and assessing long-term antiretroviral adherence. This study aimed to examine hair concentrations of antiretrovirals in relation to virologic outcomes among PLHIV in Guangxi, China. ⋯ Hair concentrations of lamivudine and efavirenz were the strongest independent predictor of virologic suppression among Chinese PLHIV. Hair analysis of antiretrovirals may provide a non-invasive, cost-effective tool that predicts virologic suppression among PLHIV in China.
Patient Prefer Adher · Jan 2021
Factors That Affect Saudi Population Preferences Toward Their Dentist.
To explore the preference of Saudi population when selecting their dentist. ⋯ Overall, Saudi participants have specific preferences on their dentists and dental office design. Dentists might consider these factors to improve their dental practice and their patients' experience.