Presse Med
Seizures and status epilepticus may be an early (<7-14 days) or late (>14 days) complication of acute stroke. Epilepsy, defined by at least two unprovoked epileptic seizures, may also be a late complication. Several risk factors have been identified for early and late seizures. ⋯ Neither early nor late seizures appear to have a significant impact on mortality, although status epilepticus remains a life-threatening and often fatal event. The decision whether to start antiepileptic treatment after a first seizure or wait for a recurrence remains controversial. Risk of drug interactions and adverse effects in stroke patients must be kept in mind when prescribing antiepileptic drugs.
[Thrombocytopenia in a surgical intensive care unit: incidence, risk factors and effect on outcome].
To determine the incidence of thrombocytopenia in a surgical intensive care unit (ICU), the risk factors associated with it, and its effect on patient outcome. ⋯ Thrombocytopenia is common in surgical ICUs. Bleeding and sepsis are the major risk factors. In this study, thrombocytopenia was not an independent factor of poor vital outcome in these critically ill patients.
Case Reports
[Back pain without radiculitis as an initial manifestation of Lyme disease: two cases].
The most frequent neurological expression of Lyme disease (borreliosis) during its secondary phase is meningoradiculitis, but atypical presentations occur. Lyme disease must be considered especially in endemic areas and during the summer (May-October). ⋯ Inflammatory back pain, even without radiculitis, may be related to Lyme disease in endemic areas.