Rev Invest Clin
Biography Historical Article
[On the vaccination before and after Jenner].
The expression "inoculation" of smallpox was first employed by doctor Emanuel Timone, native of the Greek island of Chios and graduated from the Universities of Padua and Oxford. This method was largely employed in the XVIII century. Nevertheless, in 1798, the English physician Edward Jenner published the results of his observartions and his own experience with "vaccination", i. e. the inoculation of cowpox. ⋯ It arrived to Spain in 1801 and thence was transferred to Spanish America and Philippines Islands with the expedition leaded by doctor Francisco Xavier Balmis. This expedition reached New Spain in June 1804, and remained there until February 1805 when embarked addressing to Philippines Islands. The other expeditionary group, leaded by doctor José Salvani, addressed toward Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, where Salvani died.