Terapevt Arkh
[Pulmonary embolism and diffuse alveolar bleeding: combination options and therapy features].
The analysis of the mechanisms of the formation of a rare clinical combination of pulmonary embolism (PE) and diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH), which are complications of systemic vasculitis associated with antibodies to the cytoplasm of neutrophils (primarily granulomatosis with polyangiitis), systemic lupus erythematosus and secondary antiphlogistic syndrome primary antiphospholipid syndrome and Goodpastures syndrome. Taking into account the chronological sequence of the occurrence of PE and DAH, 3 variants of the onset of these potentially fatal additions to the underlying disease were considered: the anticipatory DAH development of PE, delayed from DAH PE and joint (within 24 hours) formation of PE and DAH. A review of single descriptions of such a combination of complications of granulomatosis with polyangiitis is carried out, criteria are indicated, a working classification of severity is given and, taking this into account, a modern program of therapy for DAH as an independent event and in combination with PE.
The article presents the evolution of views on one of the current problems of present pulmonology idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. On the basis of many years of experience in diagnosis and treatment of patients of IIPs in the clinic of pulmonology of Interstitial and Orphan Lung Diseases Research Institute of Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, the authors formulated a new understanding of this pathology and proposed to unite all IIPs under the term idiopathic fibrosing pulmonary disease. Using the concept of idiopathic fibrosing pulmonary disease will make it possible to substantively address the issues of early diagnosis, determine the criteria for the activity of the pathological process, and there by develop an evidence base for the adequate prescription of antifibrotic drugs and corticosteroids.
The combined course of bronchial asthma (BA) and obesity is one of the urgent medical and social problems that requires a comprehensive and careful study in connection with a decrease in the quality of life of such patients, an increase in the frequency, duration of hospitalization and a high economic burden for the state as a whole. The relationship between BA and obesity is now confirmed by numerous studies, at the same time, despite the variability of the proposed mechanisms of pathogenetic effects of obesity on asthma, metabolic aspects of the relationship of these diseases need further study. Adipose tissue hormones are responsible for the energy homeostasis of the body therefore, excessive accumulation of adipose tissue is accompanied by the development of an imbalance in metabolic processes in various organs and tissues. ⋯ Data on the confirmed role of adiponectin and leptin in the progression of BA combined with obesity are presented. It has been shown that the role of resistin and retinol-binding protein in the development of BA combined with obesity has not been studied. It is demonstrated that further study of metabolic activity of adipokines in BA is an actual and perspective direction of researches which will allow to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in patients with BA with obesity.
Classical Article
[Evaluation of the effectiveness of Riamilovir in the complex therapy of patients with COVID-19].
In this study we evaluated the effects of Riamilovir on SARS-CoV-2 viral shedding and on admission duration in patients with moderate COVID-19. ⋯ Yearly administration of riamilovir as opposed to the umifenovir and ribavirin in therapy of moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with significant shorter time to clinical improvement by 14 day of hospitalization. PCR negative rate by 7 days of hospitalization is significantly more likely in riamilovir group.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus enters the body through the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2), which is the entry point of the virus into the cell. The most dense fabric of ACE-2 is the lungs. ⋯ Intestinal symptoms can appear at different stages of the disease. The review describes the mechanisms of interaction of SARS-CoV-2 with enterocytes, the fecal-oral route of infection, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 with intestinal symptoms.