Terapevt Arkh
Case Reports
[Long-COVID, severe course, with congenital bronchiectasis, Williams-Campbell syndrome. Case report].
We present a clinical observation of an 18-year-old female patient with congenital bronchiectasis combined with congenital cystic degeneration of the upper lobes of both lungs, Williams-Campbell syndrome, long-COVID, severe course. The patient was treated in infectious disease department (three times), with subsequent transfer to pulmonology department of Kursk Regional Multi-Purpose Clinical Hospital from 31.01.2023 to 02.05.2023. ⋯ The patient was transported by air ambulance escorted by the resuscitation team to the Shumakov Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs on 02.05.2023 with negative PCR COVID-19 test. The literature data on the frequency of association of these diseases, clinical features, criteria for diagnosis and treatment, indications for lung transplantation are presented.
The article is devoted to a form of botulism that has been little studied in our country and is registered exclusively in infants. The fundamental difference between this form and the most common foodborne botulism is that infants become infected by ingestion of spores, followed by their germination, colonization of the intestines and production of botulinum toxin in situ, which leads to the development of life-threatening flaccid paralysis. ⋯ The article discusses in detail the issues of diagnosis and laboratory verification of the etiology of the disease. Current data on the treatment of infant botulism are presented.
To evaluate the efficacy of the antiviral drug riamilovir (trade name - «Triazavirin®») for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) and other acute respiratory viral infections in young people from organized groups. ⋯ Riamilovir (trade name - «Triazavirin®») showed statistically significant prophylactic efficacy during its administration in an organized group. Its use decreased the frequency of detection of viral pathogens and resulted in milder acute respiratory disease, likely due to reduced viral load in individuals.
To study the prognostic significance of hematologic indices: neutrophils/lymphocytes (N/L), platelets/lymphocytes (P/L) and lymphocytes/C-reactive protein (L/CRP) in relation to the complicated course of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), as well as their correlation with COVID-19 course severity indices and endothelial dysfunction marker sVCAM-1. ⋯ Hematologic indices N/L, P/L and L/CRP are correlated with clinical, laboratory and instrumental characteristics of COVID-19 severity, presence of endothelial dysfunction (P/L and L/CRP) and allow predicting the development of cytokine storm (N/L and L/CRP).
Case Reports
[Combined echinococcosis of the lungs, heart and liver: clinic, diagnosis and treatment. Case report].
Echinococcosis or hidatid disease is a parasitic illness which is caused by the most common pathogens Echinococcus granulosus, E. multilocularis and E. oligarthrus. When the agent gets into the organism, it penetrates the organ and forms a cyst. ⋯ The localization of cysts in several organs simultaneously is a very rare case. The article aims to demonstrate a patient who had a combined echinococcosis of the lungs, heart and liver.