To examine the relation between analgesic use at baseline and the subsequent risk of chronic pain (> or =15 days/month) and the risk of analgesic overuse. ⋯ Overuse of analgesics strongly predicts chronic pain and chronic pain associated with analgesic overuse 11 years later, especially among those with chronic migraine.
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) probably improves survival in ALS, but the magnitude and duration of any improvement in quality of life (QoL) and the optimal criteria for initiating treatment are unclear. ⋯ NIV use was associated with improved QoL and survival. Subjects with orthopnea and preserved bulbar function showed the largest benefit.
Face imagery can access facial memories without the use of perceptual stimuli. Current data on the relation of imagery to the perceptual function and neuroanatomy of prosopagnosic patients are mixed, and little is known about the type of facial information patients can access through imagery. ⋯ Although anterior temporal cortex may be the site of facial memory stores, these data also support hypotheses that perceptual areas like the fusiform face area have parallel contributions to mental imagery. The data on covert recognition are consistent with a view that it is the residue of a partially damaged face-recognition network. Covert recognition may reflect the degree of damage across components of a network rather than mark a specific form of prosopagnosia or a dissociated pathway.