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How can we interact with sedated patients who are seemingly unable to express themselves? On the basis of these questions, we chose to realize a qualitative phenomenological study aimed at comprehending communication with the sedated patient from the perspective of the nurses who take care of those patients. Ten individual interviews were realized with intensive nurses from a Hospital School in S o Paulo. After data analysis, four general thematic categories were revealed: communication with sedated patient x sedation degree; communication with sedated patient x attributed perception capacity; valuation of communication with sedated patient; forms of communication with the sedated patient. This research concluded that the communication with the sedated patient exists and occurs at different moments and in different ways through verbal and non-verbal communication.
This study aimed to understand the nurses' beliefs about humanized care in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Data collection was accomplished through open interviews with five nurses, which were then taped and fully transcribed. The content analyzed was realized in the framework of symbolic interactionism as a theoretical reference base, and used the Grounded Theory methodology. This study allowed for the understanding that the nurse, although she has difficulties in rendering humanized assistance, seems to be giving up the belief that the PICU is a technicist unit and starts looking for strategies to deliver a more humanized assistance.