Transfus Apher Sci
Ammonia concentration increases in red cell units (RBCs) during storage. We measured absolute amounts of ammonia (AA) per unit serially in stored RBCs and before and after removal of the supernatant by volume reduction (VR) or washing. ⋯ VR decreased AA 3.7-fold, whereas washing decreased it 38-fold (p<0.0001). At least for certain patients, e.g., infants receiving large volume transfusions and patients in liver failure, it may be advisable to use RBCs as fresh as possible and to limit infusion (by VR or washing) of ammonia in the supernatant.
The minimum Hb for blood donation varies from nation to nation. This study assessed the impact of blood donation on donors' iron stores based on different Hb levels. An estimation of drop in the blood collection was made with the new suggested Hb cut-off value. ⋯ A modification in the minimum Hb level for blood donation is necessary when Hb is used as the single criterion for screening donors. Increasing the minimum Hb level will lead to an increase in donor deferral; therefore a comprehensive donor retention program will be needed.
Comparative Study
Comparison between two portable hemoglobinometers and a reference method to verify the reliability of screening in blood donors.
Portable hemoglobinometers are used to determine hemoglobin level, but there are conflicting reports regarding their accuracy. The aim of this study was to compare results from two portable hemoglobinometers (HemoCue® and Hemo-Control) with an automated hematology analyzer (Sysmex XE-2100D) to determine if the screening of blood donors is reliable. A total of 426 blood donors' samples were studied and on average the Hb content measured in capillary blood samples was higher than that found in venous blood samples. Hemoglobinometers can be employed as a method to screen blood donors, but critical values should be confirmed in an automated hematology analyzer.
Autologous blood transfusion (ABT) is currently considered the safest transfusion, since the risks of allogeneic immunological reaction and viral transmission are theoretically null. Although its use has declined in Western countries in the recent decade, it has been progressively expanded in Japan. With the widening of the concept of patient blood management (PBM), which aims to prevent the harmful adverse effects of the exposure to allogeneic blood, the importance of the ABT has once again gained interest. ⋯ ABT plays the central role in PBM, but to achieve the real PBM, there is need to indicate ABT appropriately, according to the individual needs, and use it adequately, without discarding. Our present data reflect the present status of the ABT performance in Japan, and will serve as the basis for the development of strategies to achieve safe and appropriate performance of ABT, and consequently, achieve PBM.
Due to the high transplant related morbidity and mortality (TRM), relatively younger acute leukemia patients that have a good performance status and no comorbidity are eligible for myeloablative conditioning (MAC) followed by allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). The outcomes of 84 consecutive adult patients with ALL (n=38) or AML (n=46) who underwent allo-HSCT from their HLA-identical siblings were evaluated retrospectively. The median age at transplantation was 34 (17-58 years) for the whole patient population. ⋯ Eleven of the RIC patients (18.3%) and 6 of the MAC patients (25%) developed acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Seventeen of the RIC patients (33.3%) and 4 of the MAC patients (16.7%) developed chronic GvHD. In conclusion, RIC conditioning regimens may provide a longer OS and DFS, especially in patients with AML who are in first CR, not eligible for MAC conditioning.