Respiratory care
Observational Study
Heart Rate Recovery, Physical Activity Level, and Functional Status in Subjects With COPD.
A normal heart rate reflects the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. When the difference between heart rate at the end of an exercise test and after 1 min of recovery, known as the 1-min heart rate recovery, is ≤ 12 beats/min, this may indicate an abnormal delay. We sought to compare physical activity patterns and subjects' functional status with COPD with or without delayed 1-min heart rate recovery after the 6-min walk test (6MWT). ⋯ Individuals with COPD who exhibit delayed 1-min heart rate recovery after the 6MWT exhibited worse exercise capacity as well as a more pronounced sedentary lifestyle and worse functional status than those without delayed heart rate recovery. Despite its assessment simplicity, heart rate recovery after the 6MWT can be further explored as a promising outcome in COPD.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by progressive degeneration, wasting, and weakness of skeletal musculature, including respiratory muscles. Cough is also compromised with disease progression. Among cough-augmentation techniques, mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MI-E) has demonstrated several clinical benefits in patients with chronic airway secretion obstruction and muscular weakness. In clinical practice, the use of MI-E in DMD patients is also suggested when they are stable with no airway infections. However, there is a paucity of studies that consider the effect of MI-E specifically on stable DMD patients who have adapted to the use of MI-E. ⋯ A single treatment of MI-E in subjects with stable DMD already adapted to the device can provide beneficial changes in breathing pattern through a significant decrease in breathing frequency and rapid shallow breathing. These findings suggest an improvement in short-term dyspnea, although there were no changes in lung-volume recruitment or unassisted cough peak flow.
Observational Study
Best Protocol for the Sit-to-Stand Test in Subjects With COPD.
Different protocols for the sit-to-stand test (STS) are available for assessing functional capacity in COPD. We sought to correlate each protocol of the STS (ie, the 5-repetition [5-rep STS], the 30-s STS, and the 1-min STS) with clinical outcomes in subjects with COPD. We also aimed to compare the 3 protocols of the STS, to verify their association and agreement, and to verify whether the 3 protocols are able to predict functional exercise capacity and physical activity in daily life (PADL). ⋯ The 1-min STS generated higher hemodynamic demands and correlated better with clinical outcomes in subjects with COPD. Despite the difference in speed performance and physiological demands between the 5-rep STS and 1-min STS, there was a good level of agreement among the 3 protocols. In addition, all 3 tests were able to identify subjects with low exercise capacity or preserved exercise capacity.
Effects of High-Flow Nasal Cannula on End-Expiratory Lung Impedance in Semi-Seated Healthy Subjects.
High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) enables delivery of humidified gas at high flow while controlling the FIO2 . Although its use is growing in patients with acute respiratory failure, little is known about the impact of HFNC on lung volume. Therefore, we aimed to assess lung volume changes in healthy subjects at different flows and positions. ⋯ In healthy subjects, the semi-seated position and the use of HFNC increased end-expiratory lung impedance globally. These changes were accompanied by a significant decrease in the breathing frequency.
Design and Function of a New Conical Positive Expiratory Pressure Device to Be Used During Exercise.
A flow-dependent conical positive expiratory pressure (PEP) resistor incorporated into a oronasal mask was developed, which might reduce dyspnea and dynamic hyperinflation and increase exercise endurance for patients with COPD. We reported here the flow-pressure relationships and the safety and suitability of the device when used by healthy young and older subjects. ⋯ A conical-PEP device of 1-cm length with an orifice of 6 or 7 mm generates effective expiratory pressure for most subjects during exercise. There were no adverse effects in healthy young and older subjects, and the device is suitable for trials with patients with COPD. ( registration NCT 02788370.).