Respiratory care
The life expectancy of individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy has improved considerably with the use of mechanical ventilation to manage respiratory insufficiency. The choice between continuous noninvasive ventilation (NIV) and invasive ventilation is guided both by local logistical considerations and by clinical considerations, but the choice depends largely on patient preference. It is important to know the effects of ventilatory dependence and the method used (ie, continuous NIV or invasive ventilation) on subjects' quality of life. ⋯ Continuous and invasive mechanical ventilation did not affect the perception of quality of life for our subjects with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, apart from more insomnia, which can be explained by the fact that they required frequent repositioning in bed. Different pressure-relief mattresses should be tested and compared to prevent the development of pressure ulcers, which may improve the sleep patterns of these patients.
Methods for a Seamless Transition from Tracheostomy to Spontaneous Breathing in COVID-19 Patients.
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected health care delivery worldwide. A small yet significant number of patients with respiratory failure will require prolonged mechanical ventilation while recovering from the viral-induced injury. ⋯ In this paper, we review the procedures and methods to safely care for patients with COVID-19 who require tracheostomy, gastrostomy, weaning from mechanical ventilation, and final decannulation. The guiding principles consist of modifications in the methods of airway care to safely prevent iatrogenesis and to promote safety in patients severely affected by COVID-19, including mitigation of aerosol generation to minimize risk for health care workers.
Mechanical ventilation is a supportive treatment commonly applied in critically ill patients. Whenever the patient is spontaneously breathing, the pressure applied to the respiratory system depends on the sum of the pressure generated by the respiratory muscles and the pressure generated by the ventilator. Patient-ventilator interaction is of utmost importance in spontaneously breathing patients, and thus the ventilator should be able to adapt to patient's changes in ventilatory demand and respiratory mechanics. ⋯ Asynchronies are relatively frequent during mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients, and they are associated with poor outcomes. This review summarizes the different types of asynchronies and their mechanisms, consequences, and potential management. The development and understanding of monitoring tools are necessary to allow a better appraisal of this area, which may lead to better outcomes for patients.
High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy is widely used in extubated patients. We aim to evaluate the effect of HFNC compared with conventional oxygen therapy in adults after cardiothoracic surgery. ⋯ HFNC may significantly reduce the need for the escalation of respiratory support and re-intubation rate, and might reduce the hospital stay. More high-quality randomized controlled trials are needed to further validate our results.
Observational Study
Dead Space to Tidal Volume Ratio Is Associated With Higher Postextubation Support in Children.
Extubation failure is associated with increased duration of mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay, and mortality. An elevated dead-space-to-tidal-volume ratio (VD/VT) has been proposed as a predictor of successful extubation in children. We hypothesized that a higher VD/VT value would be associated with extubation failure and higher postextubation respiratory support. ⋯ There was no significant relationship between VD/VT and extubation success, although VD/VT was associated with the level of respiratory support provided following extubation. Further studies should investigate whether the use of VD/VT can help reduce extubation failure rates with varying levels of postextubation respiratory support.