European journal of trauma and emergency surgery : official publication of the European Trauma Society
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg · Aug 2023
Minimally invasive bilateral fixed angle locking fixation of the dorsal pelvic ring: clinical proof of concept and preliminary treatment results.
Dorsal pelvic ring fractures may result from high energy trauma in younger patients or from osteoporosis as fragility fractures in elderly patients. To date, no strong consensus exists on the best surgical technique to treat posterior pelvic ring injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the surgical performance of a new implant for angle-stable fixation of the posterior pelvic ring and patient outcome. ⋯ German Clinical Trials Register ID: DRKS00023797, date of registration: 07.12.2020.
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg · Aug 2023
ReviewCommunication failure in the prehospital response to major terrorist attacks: lessons learned and future directions.
Communication is key in efficient disaster management. However, in many major incidents, prehospital communication failure led to insufficient upscaling, safety concerns for the emergency responders, logistical problems and inefficient disaster management. ⋯ Despite reports of lessons learned in previous EMS responses, communication failures were still reported in most recent terrorist attacks. Governments should provide sufficient resources to equip hospitals, emergency departments, and ambulance services with (back-up) communication systems and invest in training. A European registration system is warranted. We provide proposals for improvement.
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg · Aug 2023
ReviewThe Australian Trauma Registry (ATR): a leading clinical quality registry.
Operating since 2012 under the auspices of the Australian Trauma Quality Improvement Program (AusTQIP), the Australian Trauma Registry (ATR) has established itself as a leading clinical quality registry (CQR). Initially developed as a national program for improved safety and quality trauma care across Australian trauma centers, it has since expanded to include New Zealand, becoming one of the few bi-national trauma registries. ⋯ The ATR, administered by the National Trauma Research Institute (NTRI), monitors the continuum of trauma care from pre-hospital settings, to discharge from definitive care. Collection and analysis of data about severely injured trauma patients, their injuries, management and outcomes, aims to inform future improvements to health service provision and reduce preventable morbidity and mortality.
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg · Aug 2023
ReviewAdvancing the scientific study of prehospital mass casualty response through a Translational Science process: the T1 scoping literature review stage.
The European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation funding program awarded the NIGHTINGALE grant to develop a toolkit to support first responders engaged in prehospital (PH) mass casualty incident (MCI) response. To reach the projects' objectives, the NIGHTINGALE consortium used a Translational Science (TS) process. The present work is the first TS stage (T1) aimed to extract data relevant for the subsequent modified Delphi study (T2) statements. ⋯ The three simultaneous scoping reviews allowed the extraction of relevant PH MCI subthemes and novel concepts that will enable the NIGHTINGALE consortium to create scientifically anchored statements in the T2 modified Delphi study.
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg · Aug 2023
Meta AnalysisNonoperative management with angioembolization for blunt abdominal solid organ trauma in hemodynamically unstable patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The objective of the present study is to provide a comprehensive review of the literature on associated outcomes of angioembolization in blunt abdominal solid organ traumas. ⋯ For blunt abdominal solid organ trauma in hemodynamically unstable patients, this review shows that angioembolization exhibited a high clinical success rate, low mortality, and tolerable technique-related adverse events. Furthermore, the top possible indication for angioembolization in hemodynamically unstable patients is an individual who responds to rapid fluid resuscitation. However, high-quality and large-scale trials are needed to confirm these results and determine the selection criteria for appropriate patients in this setting.