BMC anesthesiology
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Does higher performance in a national licensing examination predict better quality of care? A longitudinal observational study of Ethiopian anesthetists.
Ethiopia made a national licensing examination (NLE) for associate clinician anesthetists a requirement for entry into the practice workforce. However, there is limited empirical evidence on whether the NLE scores of associate clinicians predict the quality of health care they provide in low-income countries. This study aimed to assess the association between anesthetists' NLE scores and three selected quality of patient care indicators. ⋯ The NLE score had an inverse relationship with the occurrence of critical incidents, supporting the validity of the examination in assessing graduates' ability to provide safe and effective care. The lack of an association with the other two QoC indicators requires further investigation. Our findings may help improve education quality and the impact of NLEs in Ethiopia and beyond.