BMJ open
To report attitudes to retirement of late-career doctors. ⋯ Retention policy should address ways of optimising the clinical contribution of senior doctors while offering reduced workloads in the areas of bureaucracy and working hours, particularly in respect of emergency commitments.
Observational Study
Safety of thrombolysis in stroke mimics: an observational cohort study from an urban teaching hospital in Sweden.
Acute stroke management has changed dramatically over the recent years, where a timely assessment is driven by the expanding treatment options of acute ischaemic stroke. This increases the risk in treating non-stroke patients (stroke mimics) with a possibly hazardous intravenous thrombolysis treatment (IVT). ⋯ Stroke mimics receiving IVT had a more favourable outcome compared with patients with stroke, and showed no haemorrhagic complications. Age below 40 years may be a predictor for stroke mimics.
Cross-sectional studies suggest that around 6% of men undergo prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing each year in UK general practice (GP). This longitudinal study aims to determine the cumulative testing pattern of men over a 10-year period and whether this testing can be considered equivalent to screening for prostate cancer (PCa). ⋯ A high proportion of men aged 45-69 years undergo PSA tests in UK GP: 39% over a 10-year period. A high proportion of these tests appear to be for the investigation of lower urinary tract symptoms and not screening for PCa.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Bi-modal stimulation in the treatment of tinnitus: a study protocol for an exploratory trial to optimise stimulation parameters and patient subtyping.
Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of a corresponding external acoustic stimulus. Bimodal neuromodulation is emerging as a promising treatment for this condition. The main objectives of this study are to investigate the relevance of interstimulus timing and the choices of acoustic and tongue stimuli for a proprietary bimodal (auditory and somatosensory) neuromodulation device, as well as to explore whether specific subtypes of patients are differentially responsive to this novel intervention for reducing the symptoms of chronic tinnitus. ⋯ This study protocol is approved by the Tallaght Hospital/St. James's Hospital Joint Research Ethics Committee in Dublin, Ireland, and by the Ethics Committee of the University Clinic Regensburg, Germany. Findings will be disseminated to relevant research, clinical, health service and patient communities through publications in peer-reviewed and popular science journals and presentations at scientific and clinical conferences.
This study draws on an in-depth investigation of factors that influenced the career decisions of junior doctors. ⋯ Junior doctors' preferences and perceptions about medical work are influenced by multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors and experiences. This paper highlights the importance of understanding how perceptions are formed and preferences are developed, as a basis for generating learning and working environments that nurture students and motivate their professional careers.