BMJ open
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Stepwise strategy to improve Cervical Cancer Screening Adherence (SCAN-CC): automated text messages, phone calls and face-to-face interviews: protocol of a population-based randomised controlled trial.
Screening is highly effective for cervical cancer prevention and control. Population-based screening programmes are widely implemented in high-income countries, although adherence is often low. In Portugal, just over half of the women adhere to cervical cancer screening, contributing for greater mortality rates than in other European countries. The most effective adherence raising strategies are based on patient reminders, small/mass media and face-to-face educational programmes, but sequential interventions targeting the general population have seldom been evaluated. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a stepwise approach, with increasing complexity and cost, to improve adherence to organised cervical cancer screening: step 1a-customised text message invitation; step 1b-customised automated phone call invitation; step 2-secretary phone call; step 3-family health professional phone call and face-to-face appointment. ⋯ The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Northern Health Region Administration and National Data Protection Committee. Results will be disseminated through communications in scientific meetings and peer-reviewed journals.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Bypassing nearest hospital for more distant neuroscience care in head-injured adults with suspected traumatic brain injury: findings of the head injury transportation straight to neurosurgery (HITS-NS) pilot cluster randomised trial.
Reconfiguration of trauma services, with direct transport of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) to specialist neuroscience centres (SNCs)-bypassing non-specialist acute hospitals (NSAHs), could improve outcomes. However, delays in stabilisation of airway, breathing and circulation (ABC) may worsen outcomes when compared with selective secondary transfer from nearest NSAH to SNC. We conducted a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial to determine the feasibility and plausibility of bypassing suspected patients with TBI -directly into SNCs-producing a measurable effect. ⋯ Bypassing patients with suspected TBI to SNCs gives an overtriage (false positive) ratio of 13:1 for neurosurgical intervention and 4:1 for TBI. A measurable effect from a full trial of early neuroscience care following bypass is therefore unlikely.
Multicenter Study
Beliefs about medicines and non-adherence in patients with stroke, diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional study in China.
To investigate beliefs about medicines and their association with medicine adherence in patients with chronic diseases in China. ⋯ The BMQ is a useful tool to identify patients at risk of non-adherence. In the future, adherence intervention studies may use the BMQ to screen for patients who are at risk of non-adherence and to map interventional support.
Observational Study
Associations between compensable injury, perceived fault and pain and disability 1 year after injury: a registry-based Australian cohort study.
Compensable injury increases the likelihood of having persistent pain after injury. Three-quarters of patients report chronic pain after traumatic injury, which is disabling for about one-third of patients. It is important to understand why these patients report disabling pain, in order to develop targeted preventative interventions. This study examined the experience of pain and disability, and investigated their sequential interrelationships with, catastrophising, kinesiophobia and self-efficacy 1 year after compensable and non-compensable injury. ⋯ Given that the associations between compensable injury, pain and disability was attributable to lower self-efficacy and higher perceptions of injustice, interventions targeting the psychological impacts of pain and injury may be especially necessary to improve long-term injury outcomes.
Not enough is known regarding the prognosis and treatment of necrotising soft tissue infections (NSTIs). Mortality has been shown to be 25%-35%, with survivors coping with amputations and prolonged rehabilitation. This study will evaluate soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) as a possible prognostic marker of NSTI severity and mortality, as well as whether hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can modulate markers of endothelial damage during NSTI. We hypothesise that in patients with NSTI, suPAR can provide prognostic risk assessment on hospital admission and that HBOT can reduce the endothelial damage that these patients are exposed to. ⋯ The study has been approved by the Regional Scientific Ethical Committee of Copenhagen (H-16021845) and the Danish Data Protection Agency (RH-2016-199). Results will be presented at national and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.