Anesthesiology research and practice
Anesthesiol Res Pract · Jan 2021
Combined Ventilation of Two Subjects with a Single Mechanical Ventilator Using a New Medical Device: An In Vitro Study.
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has created a sudden lack of ventilators. DuplicARⓇ is a novel device that allows simultaneous and independent ventilation of two subjects with a single ventilator. The aims of this study are (a) to determine the efficacy of DuplicARⓇ to independently regulate the peak and positive-end expiratory pressures in each subject, both under pressure-controlled ventilation and volume-controlled ventilation and (b) to determine the ventilation mode in which DuplicARⓇ presents the best performance and safety. ⋯ DuplicARⓇ is an effective tool to manage the peak inspiratory pressure and the positive-end expiratory pressure independently in two subjects connected to a single ventilator. The driving pressure can be adjusted to meet the requirements of subjects with different weights and lung compliances. Pressure-controlled ventilation has advantages over volume-controlled ventilation and is therefore the recommended ventilation mode.
Anesthesiol Res Pract · Jan 2020
ReviewDiagnostic Criteria of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction: A Focused Systematic Review.
Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction (POCD) is characterized by a deterioration in cognitive performance after surgery and is increasingly addressed in research studies. However, a uniform definition of POCD seems to be lacking, which is a major threat to clinical research in this area. We performed a focused systematic review to determine the current degree of heterogeneity in how POCD is defined across studies and to identify those diagnostic criteria that are used most commonly. ⋯ The tests that were used most commonly were the Mini-Mental State Examination, the digit span test, the trail making test part A, and the digit symbol substitution test, but consensus on which test result would be considered "positive" for POCD was sparse. The results of this systematic review suggest the lack of a consistent approach towards defining POCD. However, commonalities were identified which may serve as a common denominator for deriving consensus-based diagnostic guidelines for POCD.
Anesthesiol Res Pract · Jan 2020
Incidence and Associated Factors of Laryngospasm among Pediatric Patients Who Underwent Surgery under General Anesthesia, in University of Gondar Compressive Specialized Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2019: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Laryngospasm is a glottis closure due to reflex constriction of the laryngeal muscles. It can occur at any phase of the anesthetic. Different studies have been done previously with various results and indicative values which initiated us to do this research. This study aimed to assess the incidence and associated factors of laryngospasm among pediatric patients who underwent surgery under general anesthesia (GA). ⋯ Laryngospasm can occur at any phase of the anesthetic. At UOGCSH, the overall rate of laryngospasm was 18.4%, with the vast majority of episodes occurring on emergence. Inadequate depth of anesthesia, URTI, airway anomalies, multiple attempts of airway devices, and oropharyngeal secretion were predictors of laryngospasm. So, added vigilance is needed in patients with URTI, airway anomalies, or those who require multiple attempts at airway device insertion. Prompt clearing of airway secretions and adequate depth of anesthesia may help to prevent laryngospasm. Since the majority of our patients received an IV induction, endotracheal intubation, and maintenance with halothane, caution must be taken in extrapolating these results to other patient populations.
Anesthesiol Res Pract · Jan 2020
ReviewThe Role of Interfascial Plane Blocks in Paediatric Regional Anaesthesia: A Narrative Review of Current Perspectives and Updates.
Regional anaesthesia has been increasingly used for analgesia in the perioperative period in paediatric anaesthesia for better pain control and improved patient outcomes. Interfascial plane blocks are considered as a subgroup of peripheral nerve blocks. The advent of ultrasound in modern regional anaesthesia practice has led to the evolution of various interfascial plane blocks. ⋯ Interfascial plane blocks are often incorporated in the multimodal analgesia regimen in the early recovery and ambulation after surgery protocols for various chest wall and abdominal surgeries. This achieves better pain control and decreases the requirements of opioids in the perioperative period, thereby facilitating early mobilization and discharge. This narrative review focuses on the relevant anatomic considerations, technique for the performance of each block along with its current applications and limitations, and includes a review of the current literature on various interfascial plane blocks in paediatric regional anaesthesia.
Anesthesiol Res Pract · Jan 2020
Effectiveness of Propofol versus Dexamethasone for Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital and Yekatit 12th Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) remain as common and unpleasant and highly distressful experience following ear, nose, and throat surgery. During ENT surgery, the incidence of PONV could be significantly reduced in patients who receive dexamethasone and propofol as prophylaxis. However, the comparative effectiveness of the two drugs has not been assessed. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of propofol and dexamethasone for prevention of PONV in ear, nose, and throat surgery. ⋯ Dexamethasone was more effective than propofol to prevent PONV with lower requirements of rescue antiemetics.