Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology
As a population ages, an increase in the number of patients with cardiac complications who undergo non-cardiac surgeries is observed. The perioperative mortality for noncardiac surgery is approximately 1-5%; approximately 20-35% of these cases are due to cardiovascular complications. Among them, perioperative myocardiac infarction/ischemia is a factor that leads to poor prognosis, and the ACC/AHA guidelines emphasize this aspect. An important task of the anesthesiologist is to accurately assess risks in patients undergoing noncardiac surgeries and avoid adverse cardiovascular events.
Case Reports
[Anesthetic management of a patient with moyamoya disease undergoing mitral valve repair].
Moyamoya disease is the result of progressive steno-occlusive changes in the internal carotid arteries followed by formation of bilateral abnormal vascular networks. The disease may present with cerebral ischemia causing cerebral hemorrhage in the perioperative period. There are few reports of cardiac surgeries in patients with moyamoya disease, and the management during cardiopulmonary bypass for moyamoya disease has not been established. ⋯ We maintained the perfusion flow of CPB above 3.0 l x min(-1) x m(-2) and the mean perfusion pressure above 70 mmHg. In addition, we used the pulsatile perfusion assist with intraaortic balloon pumping to maintain cerebral circulation. Postoperative course was uneventful without apparent neurologic deficit, and she was discharged from hospital on 10th postoperative day.
Intraoperative crisis is an inevitable event to anesthesiologists. The crisis requires effective and coordinated management once it happened but it is difficult to manage the crises properly under extreme stressful situation. Recently, it is reported that the use of surgical crisis checklists is associated with significant improvement in the management of operating-room crises in a high-fidelity simulation study. ⋯ It undoubtedly predicts higher than average risk of postoperative complications and death within 30 days of surgery. Surgical Apgar score is a bridge between proper intraoperative and postoperative care. Anesthesiologists should make effort to reduce the postoperative complication and this score is a tool for it.
The World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Safe Surgery Saves Lives campaign in 2007 to improve safety of surgical care in the world. As a part of the campaign, the first edition of the Surgical Safety Checklist was created through an international consultative process in 2008 and the second edition was published in the WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery 2009. ⋯ In this article we gave an outline of WHO Surgical Safety Checklist and WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery 2009, and reviewed the evidence of the guidelines and checklist. Finally we presented the evidence indicating the efficacy of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist, which included the pilot study attached in the guidelines showing that its use markedly decreased complications in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery in eight diverse international hospitals.
[Does Surgical Safety Checklist for cesarean section improve maternal and neonatal outcome?].
Surgical Safety Checklist published by WHO (World Health Organization) has been widely accepted and contributed to reduce postoperative mortality and morbidity. However, the implementation of the original checklist for cesarean section has been questioned as most of the patients for cesarean section being awake at the occasion of time out, and some patients requiring emergency cesarean section. From these points of view, modified versions of the checklist for cesarean section have been proposed. ⋯ K. published a checklist specifically for obstetric surgery, and its usefulness has been evaluated. The most important modification of the checklist seems to be adoption of classification of urgency of cesarean section by NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) into the time out Surgical Safety Checklist from U. K. is introduced with its recent evaluation, and its possible adoption in Japanese hospitals will be discussed.