Pediatric clinics of North America
Pediatr. Clin. North Am. · Apr 1998
ReviewViolence against children and adolescents. International perspectives.
Selected topics of violence against children and adolescents that occur in countries outside of the United States are discussed. Focus is given to middle-income and low-income countries and emphasis is placed on the epidemiology of this pressing public health problem, particularly on conditions that are peculiar to children and adolescents in international settings, such as female genital mutilations, wars, displacements, and land mines. The discussion of child maltreatment is presented in the context of child rearing and discipline in different cultures. Recommendations for action and violence prevention are offered in the light of vast cultural differences.
Pediatr. Clin. North Am. · Apr 1998
ReviewImpact of violence and the emergency department response to victims and perpetrator. Issues and protocols.
Research on the current epidemic of violence and its victims is limited. In the past decade, considerable attention has been focused in the area of domestic violence. Comprehensive emergency department (ED) domestic violence protocols have been developed and evaluated that address identification, treatment, safety issues, legal reporting statutes, and medical and psychosocial interventions. This article focuses on victims, perpetrators, and the occurrence of violence in the ED and describes issues and strategies for identification, intervention, and documentation.