Revista española de anestesiología y reanimación
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim · Mar 1994
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial[Comparative study between anesthesia by continuous perfusion with propofol or thiopental-isoflurane in laryngeal surgery].
To compare two anesthetic protocols for maintenance of anesthesia during laryngectomy (propofol vs thiopental-isoflurane), assessing its effects on intraoperative hemodynamic stability and recovery time after withdrawal of anesthesia. ⋯ Propofol for anesthetic maintenance is effective and safe. There are no differences in hemodynamic changes produced by propofol and isoflurane. Time until recovery of consciousness is longer with isoflurane, although we believe that this is not clinically relevant in this type of procedure.
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim · Mar 1994
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial[Premedication with clonidine in the neurosurgical patient: sedation, anesthetic requirements and hemodynamic perfusion].
To analyze the effect of premedication with clonidine on postoperative sedation, anesthetic requirements and hemodynamic repercussions in patients undergoing craniotomy due to supratentorial intracranial pathology. ⋯ Premedication of neurosurgical patients with clonidine offers no advantages over lorazepam with respect to sedation. Nevertheless, clonidine may offer advantages with respect to the amount of alfentanyl required and attenuation of perioperative adrenergic response.
Certain parts of Spain continue to have a high incidence of hydatid disease. Anaphylaxis mediated by IgE, due to the high concentration of antigens in the blood stream, is a serious but fortunately infrequent complication of surgery. We present two cases of anaphylactoid reaction in patients undergoing surgery for excision of hydatid cysts and one case of a patient scheduled for cholecystectomy with unsuspected hydatid disease. ⋯ Hydatid disease must be considered as a differential diagnosis in cases of shock during surgery in areas where it is endemic. Although infrequent, the possibility of anaphylaxis must be kept in mind whenever there is sudden hemodynamic deterioration during surgery for removal of a hydatid cyst. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential for a favorable outcome.
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim · Mar 1994
Comment Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial[Oral premedication with clonidine in patients undergoing coronary revascularization surgery].
To analyze the effect of premedication with clonidine on level of sedation, anesthetic requirements and hemodynamic repercussions in patients undergoing coronary revascularization. ⋯ Use of clonidine in the type of patient studied does not improve the level of sedation over that achieved with lorazepam. Fentanyl requirements decreased with clonidine. With respect to hemodynamic profile, systemic vascular resistance fell in the clonidine group after removal of ECC, and thus this drug offers no advantages for routine premedication.
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim · Mar 1994
Historical Article[Importance of the daily and political newspapers in Madrid on the introduction, popularization and awareness of anesthesia].
The introduction of surgical anesthesia in Spain and its spread throughout the country between 1847 and 1848 was facilitated by several medical journals and new daily and political newspapers in existence at the time, particularly in Madrid. This study was undertaken to determine the possible impact of articles reporting the discovery of anesthesia that were published in the contemporary daily press. ⋯ Analysis of the articles revealed how the daily press contributed to the rapid dissemination of information about the discovery. The press provided an important means of spreading news about and popularizing anesthesia and was also an instrument for exchanging scientific opinion for Spanish surgeons of the day.