The American review of respiratory disease
Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. · Aug 1986
Independent influence of reversibility of air-flow obstruction and nonspecific hyperreactivity on the long-term course of lung function in chronic air-flow obstruction.
We evaluated factors that might influence the course of lung function after 2 to 21 yr of follow-up in 81 nonallergic patients with chronic air-flow obstruction (CAO) and considerable lung function impairment (initial forced expiratory volume in one second as a percentage of inspiratory slow vital capacity (FEV1 % VC) ranging from 40 to 55% and increasing less than 15% after the administration of the anticholinergic bronchodilator thiazinamium). A more favorable rate of change in FEV1 was associated with less pack-years of smoking, less nonspecific hyperreactivity, and a higher degree of reversibility of air-flow obstruction, when expressed as the increase in FEV1 as a percentage of the predicted minus prebronchodilator FEV1 value. ⋯ However, the possibility that interval therapy may ultimately produce the same results cannot be excluded. It seems to be important to stop smoking, both for the sake of its negative influence on the course of FEV1 and for the fact that a beneficial influence of bronchodilating therapy may become even more apparent.
Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. · Aug 1986
Lack of bacterial aerosols associated with heat and moisture exchangers.
Contaminated condensate might serve as a source for cross infection. Heat and moisture exchangers (HME) are devices that humidify inspired gases, which pass through a hygroscopic felt pad surrounded by a cellulose sponge housed in a plastic case. In our study, we used a Servo 150 HME in place of a cascade humidifier in mechanical ventilator circuits. ⋯ In a second study, HMEs contaminated with either Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa (at 10(3), 10(5), or 10(8) organisms/ml) were connected to an Andersen Air Sampler to simulate a ventilator circuit. Bacterial aerosols were not generated, with the exception of 2 to 4 bacteria recovered after contamination with 10(8) bacteria. The HME can provide humidification for mechanically ventilated patients with little risk of generating respirable bacterial aerosols.