Rozhledy v chirurgii : měsíčník Československé chirurgické společnosti
Diverticular disease management represents a very topical issue with many unanswered questions as yet. Laparoscopic lavage and drainage in patients with acute diverticulitis is one of the controversial areas. Miniinvasive approach presents a possible treatment alternative for CT-guided percutaneous drainage and also for radical colon resection in the form of Hartmanns procedure or resection with primary anastomosis. MATERIAL A METHODS: The authors aim was the evaluation of patients with Hinchey II, III or IV diverticulitis treated by laparoscopic lavage and drainage, or by laparoscopic suture of the perforation, in a retrospective cohort study. The inclusion criterion for the study was laparoscopic lavage and drainage indication in patients with Hinchey II, III or IV diverticulitis. The primary aim of the study was laparoscopic treatment evaluation focused on leakage, if applicable, and on postoperative morbidity and mortality. ⋯ Laparoscopic exploration with thorough lavage, suture of the perforation and drainage presents a possible alternative in modern management of acute diverticulitis. The miniinvasive approach indication should be based both on careful, highly individualised and complex patient evaluation and on the departments experience.