Anesthesiology clinics
The population of older adults is rapidly growing. With the continued advancement of medical and surgical interventions, the average age of this population will continue to increase. Nearly one-third of surgical procedures are performed in older adults. ⋯ Anesthesia providers can play a key role in creating perioperative geriatric pathways. The perioperative care of a geriatric patient is associated with unique and anesthetic risks. Perioperative care must be tailored to individual patients to reduce perioperative complications in this important, vulnerable population.
Understanding geriatric physiology is critical for successful perioperative management of older surgical patients. The frailty syndrome is evolving as an important, potentially modifiable process capturing a patient's biologic age and is more predictive of adverse perioperative outcomes than chronologic age. Use of frailty in risk stratification and perioperative decision-making allows providers to effectively diagnose, risk stratify, and treat patients in the perioperative setting. Further study is needed to develop a universal definition of frailty, to identify comprehensive yet feasible screening tools that allow for accurate detection of frailty in the perioperative setting, and to refine treatment programs for frail surgical patients.
Chronic pain is extremely prevalent in older adults and is associated with significant morbidity, including limited mobility, social isolation, and depressed mood. Pain is defined by a biopsychosocial model highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, including multimodal medications, selected interventions, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and psychological treatments. In this narrative review, the authors highlight the use of these approaches in older adults with specific attention paid to considerations unique to aging, including alterations in drug metabolism, avoidance of polypharmacy, and physiologic changes predisposing to painful conditions.
Anesthesiology clinics · Sep 2019
ReviewSpecial Considerations for the Aging Brain and Perioperative Neurocognitive Dysfunction.
Postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) occur commonly in older adults after surgery and are frequently underrecognized. Delirium has been associated with worse outcomes, and both delirium and cognitive dysfunction increase the risk of long-term cognitive decline. ⋯ In addition, developing delirium increases the risk of POCD. This article examines interventions that may reduce the risk of developing delirium and POCD and improve long-term recovery and outcomes in the vulnerable older population.