Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)
Review Case Reports
The pressures felt by informal carers of people with dementia.
Caring for people with dementia is complex and demanding, and informal carers carry out much of the care. In this article, Madeline Armstrong outlines the different types of dementia and discusses the psychological approaches to care. Informal carers experience many stressors when caring for people with dementia and Admiral nurses play an important role in supporting carers.
The start-up time is the delay between starting an infusion pump and the delivery of fluid at the set flow rate. Mechanical slack in syringe pumps can lead to start-up delays of an hour or more at low-flow rates. During this period no medication is delivered to the patient. The causes of the start-up time delay, its implications and methods of minimising the delay are explained.
This article discusses a systematic approach to the assessment of a breathless patient and outlines the principles of oxygen delivery. The indications for oxygen administration, different methods of delivery and the nursing management of oxygen therapy are examined.
A government campaign aimed at stopping violence against healthcare staff is a start in dealing with the problem of aggression in the workplace. Staff attitudes will also need to be addressed, particularly in those areas where violence has become an accepted part of the job, if zero tolerance is to be achieved.