Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Anaesthetists in the Defence Medical Services (DMS) are currently dealing with casualties who have an increased prevalence of injuries due to blast, fragmentation and gunshot wounds. Despite guidelines already existing for unanticipated difficult tracheal intubation these have been designed for a civilian population and might not be relevant for the anticipated difficult airway experienced in the deployed field hospital. ⋯ There are certain key principles that should be considered in all cases and these are considered. Potential pitfalls are discussed and our initial proposed guidelines for use in the deployed field hospital are presented.
As epidurals are now used for pain relief on deployment a survey was conducted to look at the current epidural practice of U.K. military anaesthetists. The aim was to identify any potential issues with regard to equipment and training to allow future development ofpre-deployment training. ⋯ The results of this survey show that whilst epidurals are commonly carried out amongst military anaesthetists during their U.K. practice, there is significant variation within the practice. Areas have been identified for development of educational courses, for example methods of securing epidurals, and these have already been acted upon.
This paper describes the author's experience of the paediatric patient load on the U. K. medical services in Afghanistan. ⋯ Some of the issues of paediatric anaesthesia in this environment are discussed including paediatric equipment, resuscitation for paediatric massive haemorrhage and regional anaesthesia. The need to formally recognise the problem in training and equipping deployed medical personnel to deal with this challenge is examined.
The medical facility at Camp Bastion continues to evolve as a consequence of the increased throughput of battlefield trauma patients. There is a requirement for rapid and accurate diagnosis of haemodynamic instability and continued haemodynamic monitoring throughout the peri-operative period. ⋯ The old proverb: 'There are none so blind as those who cannot see' (Jeremiah 5:21) is applicable to this topic, in that TOE is proven to be a rapid, portable, safe and effective tool in the assessment of the haemodynamically unstable patient. This paper explores the application of TOE for the assessment of the major causes of haemodynamic instability in the trauma population.