Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Primary blast lung injury (PBLI) is a prominent feature in casualties following exposure to blast. PBLI carries high morbidity and mortality, but remains difficult to diagnose and quantify. Radiographic diagnosis of PBLI was historically made with the aid of plain radiographs; more recently, qualitative review of CT images has assisted diagnosis. ⋯ In these example cases quantitative CT lung density analysis allowed blast-injured lungs to be distinguished from non-blast-exposed lungs.
Historical Article
Phosgene use in World War 1 and early evaluations of pathophysiology.
World War 1 ended 100 years ago. The aftermath included the consolidation of significant advances in medical care of casualties. Some of these advances were made in the care of chemical casualties, in particular the mechanisms of toxicity and treatment of phosgene exposure. ⋯ Their work is the bedrock of our understanding of phosgene toxicity that survives to this day. The horrors of chemical warfare prompted the Geneva Protocol of 1925, prohibiting the use of chemical agents in warfare, and chemical warfare on this scale has not been repeated. The ease with which phosgene can be synthesised requires healthcare providers to be familiar with its effects.
The WHO Constitution enshrines '…the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental right of every human being.' Strengthening delivery of health services confers benefits to individuals, families and communities, and can improve national and regional stability and security. In attempting to build international healthcare capability, UK Defence Medical Services (DMS) assets can contribute to the development of healthcare within overseas nations in a process that is known as Defence Healthcare Engagement (DHE). ⋯ DHE is a long-term collaborative process based on the establishment and development of comprehensive relationships that can help transform indigenous healthcare services towards patient-centred systems with a focus on safety and quality of care. Short deployments to allow clinical immersion of UK healthcare workers within indigenous teams can have an immediate impact. Coworking is a powerful method of demonstrating standards of care and empowering staff to institute transformative change. A multidisciplinary group of Quality Improvement Champions has been identified and a Hospital Oversight Committee established, which will offer the prospect of longer term sustainability and development.