The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation
A burn injury may occur as an unexpected consequence of medical treatment. We examined the burn prevention implications of injuries received in a medical treatment facility or as a direct result of medical care. The records of 4510 consecutive admissions to 1 burn center between January 1978 and July 1997 were retrospectively reviewed. ⋯ Continued tobacco use may represent a contraindication to home oxygen therapy. Given the lack of proof of efficacy combined with the potential for burn injury, the use of vaporizers to treat upper respiratory symptoms should be discouraged. Patients with diminished sensation or altered mental status are at increased risk of burn injury from bathing or topical heat application and merit closer monitoring during these activities.
Body image is a far-reaching, multidimensional, dynamic concept. Because burn injuries threaten the integrity of both the physical and psychologic identity, body-image issues related to burn injuries appear to be a meaningful area of investigation. ⋯ We reviewed the general findings that body-image adaptation occurs and is influenced by gender, social support, burn severity, overall adjustment, and developmental stage. It is suggested that body-image revision, if it occurs, is largely successful, but body-image issues may not be directly related to psychosocial adjustment after a burn injury.
J Burn Care Rehabil · May 2000
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialPostburn itching, pain, and psychological symptoms are reduced with massage therapy.
Twenty patients with burn injuries were randomly assigned to a massage therapy or a standard treatment control group during the remodeling phase of wound healing. The massage therapy group received a 30-minute massage with cocoa butter to a closed, moderate-sized scar tissue area twice a week for 5 weeks. The massage therapy group reported reduced itching, pain, and anxiety and improved mood immediately after the first and last therapy sessions, and their ratings on these measures improved from the first day to the last day of the study.