Prilozi / Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki = Contributions / Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Biological and Medical Sciences
Randomized Controlled Trial
The advantages of the application of amnion membrane in the treatment of burns.
A crucial and important factor for successful treatment of burns is the early covering of the burned area with skin substitutes. The covering of the burn requires material that restores the epidermal function and integrates itself into the process of healing. Biological dressings are the golden standard for the temporary covering of burns. ⋯ The histological analysis of the bioptical material not only determines the degree of the burns specifically, but facilitates the choice of method for further treatment, observes the speed of the re-epithelialization and plays an important part in the correct diagnosis and the early start of the specific therapy, important in preventing sepsis. The application of amnion membrane as a biological dressing speeds the re-epithelialization and prevents invasive bacterial infection. Pathohistological examination of the burns is recommended to be established as a standard method in clinical practice.
In the day-to-day practice of answering questions from the area of medicine today, there is a growing need for forensic medical expertise in bodily injuries in criminal procedure. Furthermore, when qualifying a bodily injury, the expert must possess knowledge and experience not only medical, but s/he must also be aware of the legal requirements and norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Criminal Code of R. Macedonia. ⋯ The aim of this paper is to outline the method of performing this forensic medical expertise, i.e. by whom and when can expertise in bodily injuries be sought and, moreover, what is the legal and ethical responsibility of the expert during the execution of the expertise. Additionally, the steps that the expert should follow when preparing a written statement and opinion on the type of the bodily injury are explained. More specifically, emphasis is placed on the expert's requirements after examination of the injured individual; after revision of the medical documentation during expert assessment of bodily injuries in the case of criminal subjects; and providing oral statements and opinions during the criminal procedure.