Saudi journal of anaesthesia
Thoracotomy needs adequate powerful postoperative analgesia. This study aims to compare the safety and efficacy of ultrasound (US)-guided serratus anterior plane block (SAPB) and thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB) for perioperative analgesia in cancer patients having lung lobectomy. ⋯ Preemptive TPVB and SAPB provide comparable levels of adequate analgesia for the first 24 h after thoracotomy. TPVB provided better analgesia after 12 h. The two procedures reduce intraoperative fentanyl and postoperative morphine consumption.
Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common musculoskeletal abnormalities. Epidural corticosteroid injections (ESIs) have been used long time ago for treatment of lumbar radiculopathy or discogenic back pain in case of failed medical and conservative management. Different techniques for ESIs include the interlaminar, the caudal, and the transforaminal approaches. ⋯ The infraneural (IN) epidural steroid is more favorable than the parasagittal (IL) interlaminar epidural steroid owing to its long-term improvement in physical function than the parasagittal technique with no serious side effects.
Rapid sequence induction and intubation (RSII) with application of "Cricoid pressure" and avoidance of "facemask ventilation" (FMV) is believed to minimize the risk of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents during general anesthesia. However, some patients may be at risk of developing hypoxemia and may benefit from FMV during RSII. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of "cricoid pressure" in preventing gastric insufflation during FMV using gastric ultrasonography. ⋯ Cricoid pressure is effective in preventing gastric insufflation during FMV at P aw less than 20 cmH2O. Observation of comet tail artifacts in gastric antrum along with measurement of change in antral CSA on ultrasound examination is a feasible and reliable method to detect gastric insufflation.
Thoracolumbar interfascial plane (TLIP) block involves injection of local anesthetics between multifidus and longissimus muscles at the 3rd lumbar vertebral level assuming that it can block the dorsal rami of thoracolumbar nerves. ⋯ TLIP block is an effective and safe method for postoperative analgesia after lumbar discectomy.
Case Reports
A novel out plane technique of midpoint transverse process to pleura block in breast surgery: A case report.
Regional anesthetic techniques have gradually revolutionized the perioperative analgesia in breast surgeries. Recently, midpoint transverse process to pleura block has been described and found to provide excellent opioid-sparing analgesia. We performed the block in a novel out-of-plane technique to decrease the patient-needle interaction time and at the same time achieving good analgesia. The immediate postoperative Numeric Pain Rating Scale score was 0/10 both at rest and on movement, and patient reported a score of 5/10 after 12 h, which get subsided with single dose of nonopioid analgesic.