AANA journal
René Goupil, the patron saint of anesthetists, is addressed mainly as a 17th century French surgeon who practiced his art in North America. He is also presented as a Jesuit martyr and saint. The article freely borrows from past writings of Jesuits on René Goupil.
The anesthetic management of a burn trauma patient requires practitioners to have a solid understanding of the pathophysiology of the burn wound, the phases of burn trauma management, and the anesthetic implications for each phase. This article addresses anesthetic considerations during the acute, surgical, and reconstructive phases of care of the burn victim. An overview of the effects of thermal injury on the body systems is presented. ⋯ Anesthetic drugs and temperature monitoring. Anesthetic drugs and techniques are discussed, with consideration given to the special concerns of burn patients. The unique features of electrical injuries are described since these bring an added dimension to anesthesia management.
Regional anesthetic block of the cervical plexus is a safe and useful alternative to general endotracheal anesthesia for surgery of the neck, upper shoulder, and occipital scalp area. The sensory component of the cervical plexus can be blocked separately and easily by a superficial cervical plexus block. ⋯ Recent years have seen an increase in interest in the use of the cervical plexus block, because its popularity for surgical procedures such as carotid endarterectomies has grown. An understanding of the anatomy and principles of this anesthetic technique will enable the clinician to offer the patient and surgeon an important anesthetic option.