Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology
J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. · Jan 2000
Case ReportsA case of transient diabetes insipidus associated with poisoning by a herbicide containing glufosinate.
The herbicide BASTA (AgrEvo, Germany), containing glufosinate ammonium (20%) and an anionic surfactant, polyoxyethylene alkylether sulfate (33%), is widely used. In acute oral BASTA poisoning, patients develop a variety of clinical signs, including disturbed consciousness, convulsions, and apnea. These effects are suspected to be due to the effects of glufosinate on the central nervous system. ⋯ A 60-year-old man ingested 500 mL of BASTA herbicide in a suicide attempt. He developed not only unconsciousness, respiratory distress, and convulsions but also an increase in urine output (7885 mL/d), elevated serum sodium (167 mEq/L), elevated plasma osmolality (332 mOsm/kg), and a decrease in both urine osmolality (200 mOsm/kg) and urine specific gravity (1.003), which suggested the development of diabetes insipidus. The plasma level of antidiuretic hormone remained within the normal range (1.3 pg/mL), despite high plasma osmolality. The administration of desmopressin was successful in normalizing urine volume, specific gravity, and osmolality. Serum sodium corrected gradually within 48 hours. The possible mechanisms causing the diabetes insipidus are discussed.
J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. · Jan 2000
Case ReportsCentral nervous system toxicity and early peripheral neuropathy following dermal exposure to methyl bromide.
We describe a case of early peripheral neuropathy and central nervous system toxicity as a result of acute predominantly dermal exposure to methyl bromide. A 32-year-old male was admitted after an accidental predominantly dermal exposure to methyl bromide while fumigating soil for pest control. The patient suffered dermal burns and vesicles on the upper and lower limbs. One week following exposure, he developed progressive weakness of the lower limbs, ataxia, paresthesiae of both legs and the left arm, hyperactive tendon reflexes in the lower limbs, and left Babinski sign. Nerve conduction velocity testing was compatible with axonal neuropathy. The patient recovered gradually from his burns. Three months postexposure he showed no signs of central nervous system toxicity, but the peripheral neuropathy was still present. ⋯ Neurological effects primarily referable to the central nervous system following severe inhalation of methyl bromide have frequently been reported. The patient described in this study developed an unusual early peripheral neuropathy following dermal exposure. Peripheral neuropathy can be an outcome of methyl bromide intoxication, but is usually a late sequela of acute central nervous system toxicity or an aftereffect of repetitively inhaled chronic exposure. In this case, exposure to methyl bromide through abraded skin caused early peripheral neuropathy and central nervous system toxicity.
J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. · Jan 2000
Case ReportsAcute elevation of blood lead levels within hours of ingestion of large quantities of lead shot.
Ingestion of elemental lead foreign bodies is felt to have a low risk of clinically significant lead absorption unless gastrointestinal pathology and/or prolonged transit time are present. We present a case of ingestion of a large quantity of small diameter lead shot accompanied by rapid elevation of blood lead levels. ⋯ Acute elevations of blood lead concentrations may occur rapidly after ingestion of multiple small elemental lead objects.
J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. · Jan 2000
Cardiac and hemodynamic assessment of patients with cocaine-associated chest pain syndromes.
Animal and human experimental studies have yielded conflicted data regarding the effects of cocaine on cardiovascular function. We studied the cardiac and hemodynamic profiles in emergency department chest pain patients following recent cocaine use. ⋯ Most emergency department patients with cocaine-associated chest pain have normal cardiac profiles at the time of presentation. The negative inotropic effects of high doses of cocaine observed in animal models do not appear to be present in patients who develop chest pain after using recreational doses of cocaine.
J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. · Jan 2000
ReviewPyrethroid insecticides: poisoning syndromes, synergies, and therapy.
Pyrethroid insecticides are widely used, but there have been relatively few reports of systemic poisoning. These reports have, however, shown that pharmacotherapy is difficult and that the duration of poisoning can be unexpectedly long. Pyrethroids are ion channel toxins prolonging neuronal excitation, but are not directly cytotoxic. ⋯ Hence, the unauthorized pyrethroid/organophosphate mixtures marketed in some developing countries may precipitate human poisoning. Pyrethroid paresthesia can be treated by decontamination of the skin, but systemic poisoning is difficult to control with anticonvulsants. Pentobarbitone, however, is surprisingly effective as therapy against systemic type II pyrethroid poisoning in rats, probably due to its dual action as a chloride channel agonist and a membrane stabilizer.