Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology
Clinical toxinology encompasses a broad range of medical conditions resulting from envenomation by venomous terrestrial and marine organisms, and also poisoning from ingestion of animal and plant toxins. Toxin-related disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, particularly in the tropical and subtropical continents. Snake bite is the single most important toxin-related disease, causing substantial mortality in many parts of Africa, Asia, and the Americas. ⋯ This is now further worsened by a current shortage of antivenom. There is a need for improvement in the preventionand management of toxin-related disease. This will require well-designed studies to define the extent of the problem, initiatives to improve the prevention and management of these conditions, and development of new, and continuation of current, antivenom supplies.
J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. · Jan 2003
Case ReportsCardiotoxicity associated with intentional ziprasidone and bupropion overdose.
Ziprasidone and bupropion are medications prescribed for mood and behavior disorders. They have apparently safe cardiac safety profiles in both therapeutic and supratherapeutic doses, but recently the Federal Drug Administration has issued a caution regarding ziprasidone use in combination with other drugs that are known to prolong the QTc interval. ⋯ We present a case that underscores the potential cardiotoxicities of these medications. Ziprasidone and bupropion ingestion can be associated with cardiotoxicities that may require several days of aggressive cardiac monitoring and treatment.
Envenomation by arachnids causes significant medical illness worldwide. Scorpion sting is the most important arachnid envenomation causing adult morbidity and pediatric mortality. Important groups of spiders include the widow spiders (Latrodectus spp.), the recluse spiders (Loxosceles spp.), and two spiders confined to single countries: the Australian funnel web spider (Atrax and Hadronyche spp.) and the armed spider (Phoneutria spp.) from Brazil. ⋯ However, three controlled trials demonstrated that antivenom was not effective, but these included few severe cases. Until controlled trials of antivenom in systemically envenomated patients are undertaken, antivenom use appears justified in severe envenomation. Although envenomation from arthropods is common, no antivenoms exist for these, excepting Lonomia caterpillars in South America, and Ixodes paralysis ticks in Australia.
J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. · Jan 2003
ReviewGlucagon in beta-blocker and calcium channel blocker overdoses: a systematic review.
Glucagon is usually accepted as part of the standard treatment in the management of patients with beta-blocker and calcium channel blocker overdoses. ⋯ The evidence supporting the use of glucagon in the management of patients with beta-blocker and calcium channel blocker overdoses is limited to animal studies.
J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. · Jan 2003
Clinical TrialEffects of envenoming by comb-footed spiders of the genera Steatoda and Achaearanea (family Theridiidae: Araneae) in Australia.
The family Theridiidae (comb-footed spiders) contains the well-known and medically important widow spider group (Latrodectus spp.). Little is known about the effects of envenoming by other common members of this family. ⋯ Steatoda spp. bites or "steatodism" may cause prolonged pain and systemic effects similar to Latrodectus bites, but less severe. In severe cases, the clinical effects were almost indistinguishable from Latrodectus, except diaphoresis was absent, and the spiders were often mistaken for Latrodectus. Intravenous RBS antivenom appears to be an effective treatment in isolated severe cases, consistent with in vitro work. Achaearanea bites caused pain similar to Latrodectus bites.