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Case Reports
[Lymphomatoid granulomatosis. Lymphoma of a particular type which is very difficult to diagnose].
This paper reports two cases of lymphomatoid granulomatosis. Since at presentation the disease is generally characterized by lung involvement without any typical clinical manifestation and/or laboratory finding, it is generally diagnosed as interstitial lung disorder or neoplasm of the lung. The pathological feature of lymphomatoid granulomatosis is an angiocentric and angioinvasive polymorphic cellular infiltrate with necrotic areas, affecting primarily the lungs. ⋯ Recent studies, however, have clearly shown that lymphomatoid granulomatosis is a particular lymphoproliferative disease which may progress to frank lymphoma in a proportion of cases. Therefore, lymphomatoid granulomatosis should be included within the neoplastic hematological disorders. Unfortunately, hematologists are not yet familiar enough with this disorder, whose diagnosis is very difficult in the majority of cases.