Emergency medical services
Compartment syndrome is a limb-threatening and occasionally life-threatening injury. It occurs whenever the tissue pressure (referred to as interstitial pressure) within a closed anatomic space is greater than the perfusion pressure. Untreated, compartment syndrome leads to tissue necrosis, permanent functional impairment and, if severe in large compartments, renal failure and death. ⋯ In many cases, such an injury would be referred to as a "stinger" (a temporary neurological deficit due to a sudden and excessive stimulation of a neurologic plexus or junction). But this patient had more swelling in the compartment, resulting in a lack of circulation manifested by a cool extremity, poor capillary refill and decreased pulse oximetry. Luckily, this officer recognized the need for medical evaluation of what appeared to be a minor injury and was returned to duty with no permanent impairment.